
What Are The Three Major Health Issues And Challenges?

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In this scholarly paper, the older cohort will be identified and briefly explained to give information on what group of people will be focussed on in this paper. The three main health issues/challenges that will be highlighted are: arthritis, falling, and medication use. These topics will be covered due to how commonly they occur in the older population. When discussing arthritis, it will be involving any joint disease that brings pain and discomfort to the person. The topic of falling will account for falls that the elderly experience that in turn affect them long after the fall occurs. Lastly, medication use will look at the effects of medication use and combination with other medications. While discussing these topics, methods of health …show more content…

The type of care provided for this diverse, older cohort falls under geriatric care, which by definition, “is the branch of medicine that deals with physiological and psychological aspects of aging and with diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting older adults” (Hall et al., 2014).

Arthritis is a term that describes the different conditions that wear down the joints and the surrounding tissue in the body. These conditions usually involve pain, swelling, redness, stiffness and discomfort within the joints. Arthritis is the most common chronic condition in the older adult (Huguet, Kaplan, McFarland & Newsom, 2003). It takes a big toll on those older than 65, affecting 47% of that population (Gignac et al., 2008). Although arthritis can sometimes be inevitable when entering old age, there is one big way to prevent and maintain the effects of it. Physical activity throughout the person’s life is critical in maintaining and keeping joints healthy and usable. Exercise is crucial to the human body to keep it in its healthiest form and to regulate its use even as our lives slow down. In a study in Preventative Medicine, 42.4% of older adults reported arthritis, and among that, 39.3% admitted to an inactive lifestyle, thus exemplifying the correlation between the two (Huguet et al., 2003). Some key benefits of physical activity include: joint flexibility; strengthened surrounding muscles; stronger bones and cartilage; improved balance; and reduced pain.

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