
What Causes Mammals To Be Extinct?

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Every year thousands of mammals are killed due to natural causes and human activity. They can be affected by climate change, deforestation, hunting, and littering. Usually leaving them endangered and in most cases extinct. In the world, there are many factors that cause mammals to become extinct. Climate change is a common factor in what causes mammals to become endangered and later extinct. Climate change mostly caused extinction for two out of every three large mammals in the world. Some mammals that went into extinction because of global warming were: Mammoths, Arabian gazelle, Bulldog rat Central rock rat, Columbian hutia, Corozal rat, Corsican shrew, Cuban spider monkey, Curacao sloth, Dark flying fox, Darling Downs hopping mouse, Darwin’s Galapagos mouse, Dinosaurs… etc. Over the years climate change has increasingly been at fault for the massive loss of mammals dying off. Huge loses of mammals are occurring all over the world, or becoming endangered. It starts when the little mammals can’t adapt to the rapid changing of the weather then it slowly starts to affects the larger mammals. “Climate change affects the little guy first and then, through them, the bigger guys. Today we see humans taking out the bigger animals and climate change affecting the smaller animals. So we can expect to see some pretty dramatic changes in the ecosystem” (Barnosky 3). Some might argue that the planet is changing at such a fast pace, that the mammals don’t even have time to adjust to

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