
What Cultural Event Would Be The Most Beneficial For My Personal Life?

Good Essays

Exposing yourself to a different culture can be quite intimidating but none the less very rewarding. In formulation of this reflection, I started by thinking about what cultural event would be the most beneficial for my personal life as well as fitting into the assignment. Being able to participate in this was definitely a significant learning experience. It offered me the opportunity to dive into a new experience and from this I gained knowledge and understanding of a new culture. Knowing the complexities of culture is very important including norms, values, traditions, religion, language, customs and so forth.
Quick Glance The moment I embarked on this journey, I was completely immersed in a culture that was foreign to anything I’ve known. Never in my twenty two years of existence had I experienced something like this before. I was aware that the service began at ten in the morning therefore I made sure that I arrived before that time for the simple reason that I did not want to attract any more attention to myself. As I walked in, everyone was standing near the entrance socializing with one another. The one only person I knew there greeted me at the door and introduced me to other members of the congregation including one of the pastors. They were all very friendly, greeting me with a handshake and a smile. We made our way to the “main sanctuary” as they called it and the rest of the members had already taken their seat. I noticed their apparel was very dressy almost as

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