
What Did The Salt March Essay

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Salt March. The event occurred on March 12, 1930, the famous salt march or satyagraha had begun. It had said to be the protest against British unfair taxation, even worse to the poor! Also because of British colonial rule, People were very unhappy why the British were taxing them on salt. The Indians were not allowed to sell or produce their own salt. The event went on for about a month, ending on April 6, 1930. More than seventy-five thousand people followed Gandhi who wanted to break the salt tax law by making his own salt from the sea. This was an act of civil disobedience. Gandhi himself wanted to break the tax law non violently. The starting location of the salt march was Dandi, a seaside village in Gujarat, probably also why it called the Dandi march. Even before the march begun, on …show more content…

The Indians were starting to feel as if their country wasn't theirs anymore. Poor farmers and other hard-working would work all day long just for the british who were forcing them to do so.Whenever someone would raise their voice they would end up in jail. Indians would start to wonder why they were so civilized by another nation. For some time the only power british had to keep the Indians quite was to start putting people in jail.some would be afraid of that and some would not even speak, But Gandhi wasn't one of them, he didn't want to stay quiet and watch them rule India.One of the examples was when Gandhi wanted to repeal the taxes,the salt march in particular, he was a very brave to speak up but once again he was sent to jail. Indians didn't think it was such a great Idea to send someone to jail without any official court orders. They would rally outside jails and finally the British signed an agreement to repeal some taxes. The British would have a sudden fear that if they still rallied outside the jail they would probably have to do even more of repealing taxes. But I am pretty sure it wasn't the last time Gandhi was sent to

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