
What Does Artificial Intelligence Mean For The Future

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Artificial Intelligence is on the brink of success and is nearing major advancements in human knowledge. Yang (2017) indicates that countless times has artificial intelligence been the subject of big name corporations such as Apple, Google, IBM, and even Facebook. The reality is that these major corporations and many more smaller companies just like them, are closer than we think to biggest advancement in mankind. Further uses of AI include, SIRI, self driving cars, music and movie recommendations, video games, and even purchase predictions. These huge rewards are also tied up with great risk. All the attention focused on artificial intelligence also stems from the costly negative effects it could also lead to. This paper studies the ways …show more content…

The future of AI will be able to solve many problems that have remained unanswered by mankind. These include balancing the Economy, dealing with climate change, getting to school on time, picking the right outfit,, and many more ways. This technology could drastically change the outlook of the future with the right steps taken. The AI in which we use today is not nearly as intelligent as we want it to be, its only a slight portion of what we hope to achieve and maintain. Many companies using AI are aware of how fast the technology is already growing, as we are decades ahead of what we anticipated. Some future features of artificial intelligence include humans being able to live side by side with robots and other machines to help make the world we live in easier. Purdy and Daugherty (2017) suggest that by 2035 AI could double annual economic growth. Also it could increase labor productivity by 40%. While we are plenty of ways far from this, it is still important to look into the world just outside ours. Another feature would include the AI to rewrite its own coding, causing it to only grow smarter and smarter. This has lead to many to ponder the true safety of Artificial Intelligence, what happens if it grows too smart and leaves human minds …show more content…

Recent outlash by Elon Musk (2017) on the safety of AI and potential threat it poses to mankind has been also backed by Stephen Hawking (2016) who also states that AI are a huge risk for humanity. They state that if humans create a machine smarter than us, we’ll all be doomed. The fact that a machine has all the general knowledge in the world can easily put some concerns in the way. Importantly how do we know when the machine has learned too much? Will we be able to stop it? These questions are the basis for many people opposing the use of

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