
What Does Detox Mean To You Essay

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THE EMOTIONAL DETOX AND 5 WAYS TO ACTUALLY ENJOY IT A good detox means releasing toxins stored within both the physical body and the emotional body. There can be no separating the two. How light and joyous one feels at the end of the detox process is directly related to how much shedding of toxicity (both physical and emotional) can be accomplished. WHY SO SAD? At around day 5-6 of the detox program, the emotional release starts to kick-in (although some kick off right away). A good emotional detox is always strongly encouraged of course, because when the release does happen, it’s gone for good. Traditional Chinese Medicine recognizes this mind/body connection as foundational for both diagnostics and treatments. Emotions such as fear and vulnerability are …show more content…

OXYGEN Get outside, no really. Move it up and get outside, and best of all, get your shoes off, get into the forest and walk around. This is profoundly transformational and there is science to back it up. Read more HERE about what amazing things can me accomplished by accessing the negative ionic charge found in nature. Not only will you shift the negative emotions, but stand a very good chance of seeing clearly, chilling out and enjoying a sense of relief and joy wash over you. 3. WRITE IT OUT. BURN IT When we clean out or colon with herbs or through colonic irrigation or even with simple foods, we know exactly where that toxic waste goes because we flush it away. Bye! But where do the actual toxic thoughts go? Hopefully not projected onto the lovely people we share our lives with. Good old pen and paper really get the job done. Bitch it out, whine it out, sulk it out and just go on and on about it until you just can’t think of anything else negative to say. Then burn those pages up. Why? Because fire represents the alchemy of transformation and, it feels good to let it burn! Setting a little (safe) fire to can be joyously symbolic of your desire to release these negative emotions into

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