
What Does It All Mean?

Decent Essays

The belief in something out of the universe is what helps most people continue on with their day. It may be hard for some to believe that they are only on this planet, living, just to die one day. Therefore, many turn to religion to seek a hope in an afterlife in which they can exist after death. However, believing in most religions means believing in something in charge of the universe. Something, or someone, that is practically supernatural, and supremely powerful. Thomas Nagel, in his text What Does It All Mean?, questions “Can there really be something which gives point to everything else by encompassing it, but which couldn’t have, or need, any point itself?” (page 100). Nagel is referring to a creator, God, probing whether this all-powerful creator can be an “ultimate explanation,” but an “incomprehensible answer” (100). Two Greek philosophers, Descartes and Anselm, try to individually prove the existence of God as the most omnipotent being in the universe, but they differ in explaining their thoughts of reasoning. In understanding their logic, we must also question whether God’s existence is a valid explanation outside of their thoughts. Whereas Anselm bases God as “something than which nothing greater can be thought,” relying on purely a definition, Descartes uses his theory of innate ideas and principle of definite and clear perception as grounds for the existence of God. To Descartes, God must exist simply because of his idea of a supreme perfect being. Though

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