
What Does It Mean To Be Anti-Racist?

Decent Essays

What does it mean to be anti-racist? What should your thoughts, feelings, and actions be like?
When I first think of the term, “anti-racist,” I picture someone who does not have any beliefs, thoughts, or actions related to racism. As I began to think of this concept more in depth, I started to believe that society is so incredibly influenced by stereotypes and standards that it is impossible for one to be completely determined as anti-racist. Therefore, I now think that an anti-racist is someone who actively works to oppose racist beliefs, thoughts, and actions as well as embraces diversity. This means that your thoughts should be proactive to combat stereotypes and acknowledge privilege. Your feelings should be sympathetic towards others who come from different backgrounds and you should actively seek understanding of another’s culture while straying from judgment. If your thoughts and feelings are committed to combating racism, your actions may look like participating in movements promoting inclusion and engaging in civil conversations that may make you uncomfortable.

In what way(s) have you actively fought against racism and its ill effects wherever they may exist? …show more content…

This is a general form of expression that avoids excluding particular groups of people and works to advocate for minority groups. I have applied this by trying to educate myself on racist terminology and averting from these words. In a similar sense, I gently try to rear others to do the same. If I hear someone say something racist, I try to understand their perspective of knowledge before pointing out a word or phrase I thought was offensive. This method has helped myself and others understand the deep reason why it is important to avoid racist comments and

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