
What Does My Life Mean To Me

Decent Essays

To me writing is as crucial as breathing; it is a necessity for living. It goes deeper than conveying thoughts and ideas on a page. It is a means to experience several realities in a single lifetime. When I write, I am a conductor. The sentences act as sheets of music, and I escort them to their conclusions. In the darkness of my bedroom, words emerge naturally from my fingertips with every stroke of a pen and every tap of a keyboard. Like a sculpture, my hands mold their meanings, strengthen their susceptibility, and create works of art that leap off the pages, begging to tell their stories. The characters I conceive are my children. Their agony and turmoil, as well as their comfort and contentment, I feel with every fiber of my being. With great care, I breathe life into them and watch as their lives change through the brushstrokes on the screen. My fingers dash to make sure the story becomes permanent and that my characters may live forever, unscathed by …show more content…

Each waking moment I promptly spent becoming a visual storyteller, often going to bed in the wee hours of the morning after spending the entire night studying screenplays like religious scriptures and watching movies until my eyes ached. My desire to have my works come to life is the reason I am applying to the University of Texas (UT). UT's radio/television/film program, one of the leading established film schools in the world, is the ideal place for flowering filmmakers, similar to myself, to acquire and develop the craft of filmmaking. Through RTF, I will construct and direct the life I have envisioned for myself as a creator, as my films will shape the world. My surroundings will inspire my impressionable mind as I will embrace myself in a diverse landscape and learn from collaborating with my colleagues on projects in a hands-on environment with faculty who have spent years mastering their

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