
What Does Religion Mean To You Essay

Decent Essays

Religion is most basically defined as the belief and worship of a higher power, more specifically a belief in one or many Gods. Although no two religions are exactly the same, all religions are based off of some belief. My own personal belief is based off of Catholicism. While I do not agree with all the teachings of the catholic church, I do believe that Jesus is our lord and savior. He symbolizes hope and forgiveness for me and is a constant in my life. Throughout my life I’ve experienced a lot of highs and a lot of lows. A very low point in my life was when both of my grandparents were very sick at the same time. My grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and my grandma was in the hospital because her heart had stopped. These two experiences …show more content…

However, one quote from the bible stands out to me the most, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5). The first part of the quote talks about trusting the Lord with all your heart. Having trust in the lord goes a long way, I know this from personal experiences. By trusting in the Lord I allowed him to guide me through the time when my grandparents were sick. The quote ends by saying he will make your path straight. By trusting in Jesus I gave him everything that I had through prayer and he in turn took care of my grandparents. Jesus matters to me because he symbolizes hope no matter how dark the world may seem. He is the glimmer of light that we work towards at the end of the tunnel. I know that when everything seems to be down in my life I can turn to him for guidance, and I know that no matter what I can always turn to him during good and bad times. Jesus is currently a constant in my life and by knowing that he is a constant it gives me the sense of security that I need. Jesus is the one who is looking out for me and guiding me through my

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