
What Does Walmart Mean To Me Essay

Decent Essays

Oh Walmart, how I love thee. Every fourth of the month, all six teachers of mine decide to assign a major project worth twenty percent of our grades. Being in high school, all I want to do is save my money. Thus, I go to the cheapest, yet the most reliable, department store there is. Walmart. I love walking through the grand doors of Walmart, and being greeted by the fresh scent of expired candy. As soon as I am inside, I make my way towards the easy to find office aisle. While attempting to search for the extremely short list of forty plus supplies that I need, I figure that it’s time to ask an associate for help. Just as I turn to ask, I notice a full moon. Of course not because it is night, but because the mother ahead of me decided to change her daughter’s diaper in between the …show more content…

I decide to look away from the beautiful sight, strictly because I am running out of time. Once again, I begin to look for an associate who can help me. If Walmart is known for anything, they are known for their excellent customer service. The associate who always helps me, turns around. I notice her fake, yet beautiful, tattooed eyebrows. Once I ask her where the felt is, she replies with the most helpful statement ever, “I don’t know. I work in the sporting goods section.” Oh Walmart, how I love thee. I have now wasted a good twenty five minutes of my life looking at a stranger’s butt and a woman’s fake eyebrows. Life is great! Since all the workers are extremely busy breathing, I am left with no other choice but to find the supplies myself. I go from aisle to aisle, and enjoy every moment of it. I am then distracted by the sporting good section. Let’s be serious here, I don’t play sports, but that tent looks mighty fine, and it only costs $300. Knowing that I may need this item in the future, I decide to ask the lady with the beautiful fake eyebrows for help, considering that this is her section. “How big do you think this tent is?” I ask. “I don’t

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