
What I Don 't Want You Be Like As A Leader

Decent Essays

When people are cared for and have a sense of belonging, are challenged and growing, and are truly contributing ad have a meaningful work experience, they go home from work feeling better about themselves (and life) and are likely to return the following day as more committed organizational players, according to (Stevens 2011).
Through-out my career I’ve worked with difficult leaders and I’ve also worked with leaders that have made an impressionable impact on my life. I have been able to see firsthand, the things that I don’t want to be like as a leader and also what I strive and desire to achieve as a leader. Good leaders are great coaches that are continuously looking to help their employees grow and succeed.
I’ve always excelled with leaders that have reached out to me. Leaders that are compassionate and encouraging. Because of this, I was more committed, willing to go that extra mile, and be more vulnerable and authentic. This has influenced and shaped me in being a better employee and is an example of how I want to lead. According to Noonan (2003), effective leaders recognize their own limitations, capitalize on the talents of others and acknowledge the power and contributions of individuals and the group. Effective leaders understand that the members are authentic participants in leadership (p. 33).
Although I am empathetic, compassionate, and exceed in building relationships, there are however, other leadership traits that I am able to recognize that need

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