
What I Have Learned About My Personality

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In this report, I discuss what I have learned about my own personality after taking the Myers-Briggs personality test. I discuss how the results of my personality profile reflect accurately in myself. This material includes strengths and weaknesses, tendencies, and how this personality relates to others in the personal and professional settings. I also report how knowledge of other personality types is useful in the business environment. What I have learned about the different personality types will assist me to be a better employee, co-worker, and manager as I continue my career. My Myers-Briggs Personality and Organizational Behavior in the Work Place Step 1: My Personality Extravert The letter E stands for extrovert which means that as an extrovert, a person is energized by both people and action (, 2015). I feel that this is a very accurate description of myself. I am very energized by my interactions with people at work along with the clients that my company services. I look forward to my conversations with the clients whom I work with on a daily basis. An important distinction between an extrovert and introvert is which world that one lives in more often (, 2015). I live externally and enjoy my interactions with people more than reading a book or sitting in silence. A weakness of an extrovert listed is that an extrovert may not be happy working in an enclosed office alone (Thuesen, Rutledge, & Kroeger, 2002). I feel that I thrive

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