Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States. He is a great role model. Some good traits about him is that he has compassion for others and he would provide what you need if he could.
Abraham Lincoln exhibits being a compassionate person to a young boy named Martin. Martin is very upset because his dad has been captured during the Civil War. Martin’s mother needed bread, eggs, sugar, and flour. Martin went to the basement of the capital building and started weeping. Then, suddenly, Abraham Lincoln called out a few words. Martin stood up and saluted because that’s what his dad had told him to do. Pres. Lincoln then started talking to the boy. He asked Martin why he was upset for. Then, Martin started crying in Pres. Lincoln’s
It was full of the history about the nation, the civil war, and a recap of the three day battle. The real purpose of this speech was to dedicate a cemetery to the fallen soldiers (“Wise Words” 1). Lincoln had said during his two minute speech was that the best way for the living to honor the dead was to continue with the cause (Wise Words 1). What lincoln had meant by a new birth of freedom was that the nation would be free for both blacks and whites. This government cannot endure a permanently half free and half slave population (Barney, Brett, and Lisa Paddock 1). With this being said, the speech gave universal satisfaction to the
leading up to and surrounding President Abraham Lincoln’s death. The purpose of this book is to
The Civil War was a period of racial injustice and a time of great loss for the people of America. During Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, he creates a moral framework for peace and reconciliation with the use of many rhetorical strategies. With a sincere but reflective tone, Abraham Lincoln highlights the reality of the troubled nation and the solution to all of the problems, which is unity. Lincoln repeats strong phrases to enhance the theme, references to a holy figure, and creates simple, yet structured ideas to achieve his purpose of reuniting the broken nation.
In “Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address,” President Abraham Lincoln communicates to the citizens of America and members of Congress to share his vision for the nation’s future after the Civil War. People were searching for a leader to reassure them from the mass destruction and separation they were experiencing. Lincoln won his audience over by establishing his credibility, certifying a commonplace, and providing strong diction throughout his speech.
On March 4, 1865, four long years after the onset of the Civil War, United States President Abraham Lincoln presented his consolidating Second Inaugural Address with “high hope for the future.” His ideas for progression metamorphosed from “saving the Union without war,” in his First Inaugural Address, to salvaging what remained of the ruptured relationship between the North and South in his Second Inaugural Address and mending the wounds suffered by both. The president achieved his intent by using cogent parallelism paired with elaborate allusions to reveal that both the North and the South possess corresponding traits, and descriptive diction to ekove more than emotions in his audience.
Lincoln concludes his speech by explaining that even though he would he could dedicate the grounds, it would be remembered not by his words, but by the lives of the young men that fought here. he uses
Lincoln lead the nations out of the most terrible crisis. The Civil War was more bitter and protracted than anyone had predicted. The war costed more than 600,000 lives, and doubled the amount of widows, and orphans. In Lincoln’s second inaugural address, which was delivered just over a month before his death, he spoke about the war, as he had just come to understand it. Lincoln spoke about the reconstruction of the war, he then made a promise that is still promised
Lincoln tries to explain
Abraham Lincoln is a hero is because he passed the 13th amendment which is a paper stating the abolishment of slavery. Abraham showed compassion by passing this amendment because he cared for the equality of the African Americans also known as the “slaves”. These african americans were
To conclude Abraham Lincoln was an important figure in American history and he did everything he could to abolish slavery and create peace in the country. He was known as the father and strong military leader and he was determined to succeed in making America a place of freedom. He stood up with the abolitionist to make the USA a slavery free country. And finally he saved the country from the Civil War and other wars. As leader, father, and president he made the country free from the crime of
In this speech, Lincoln gives the people a sense of strength and unity in the fact that the United States is privileged to have been, and still continues to be, founded on equality. “The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. (Lincoln)” Many will never be able to know exactly all that happened in the duration of the Civil War, but they will be able to stand proud in the freedom that was fought for them during it.
Abraham Lincoln demonstrates a good amount of qualities that made an admired and inspirational leader. Abraham lincoln was able to keep his goal in mind while maintaining his great personality. He was able to listen to different point of views and not regards anyone’s opinions and ideas because simply he was the president. As well as, he was able to demonstrate helpful and supportive leadership during the Civil War. By freeing the slaves, he was showing his compassion for humanity and had a great
Personally, I think Abraham Lincoln is an astounding role model. I put him high on the list of greatest men to ever walk the earth. Lincoln has done such a tremendous amount of good for the United States that he should not be forgotten. Lincoln should remain in history books for centuries to come.
In 1864, the country was divided due to the Civil War. Both sides had experienced great losses, and many were starting to lose hope. To this day, the Civil War remains the bloodiest war in U.S. history. 1864 was also the same year Abraham Lincoln was reelected for President of the United States. When Lincoln got up to make his second inaugural address, he claimed that because he had done this before, he wasn’t going to use all of the formalities that are often used in inauguration speeches. Instead, he focused mostly on trying to give the people-specifically, the north-hope during this terrible time. In Lincoln’s address, he attempts to give people hope and reunite the country via his use of tone, ethos, logos, and pathos.
Abraham Lincoln was a man of humble beginnings who, though self-taught, rose to greatness through the many leadership qualities that he possessed. Quality traits that Lincoln possessed were honesty, integrity and a great devotion towards the rights of the people. It was probably through his impoverished upbringing that he formed such a bond with common folks. Lincoln was able to show the country that an ordinary person, with strong character and integrity, was capable of inspiring others to greatness. His ability to communicate through dynamic speeches was inspirational to a country so badly in need of someone to return the country to the unity that it had once had. His commitment to the rights of individuals was a cornerstone of his