
What Is Achieving Erzulie

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Achieving Erzulie In the book Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat, Sophie’s ideal image of women has been heavily shaped by her Haitian upbringing and cultural norms. Her mother, Martine, and aunt, Atie have an even stronger connection with the Haitian ideals and norms which also influences Sophie. These women all have very set views on how women are “suppose” to live and behave based on these societal norms. Sophie wants to become the spirit Erzulie because she see’s it as the goal representation of Haitian femininity. A negative time for Sophie was in the beginning of the book when Sophie was regularly virginity tested by her mother. Once she finally broke her own hymen and stopped the testing, she felt momentarily powerful. …show more content…

This continuous assault wouldn’t have been a worry of Sophie’s if she was able to be like Erzulie- who has many husbands and remains pure. She would not have to even break her own hymen because men would desire to be with her and want to marry her without even engaging in sex- ultimately leading her mother not to worry if she remains a virgin or not. Another issue that pushed Sophie to leave joseph was her negative self-image and low self-esteem. Since Erzulie is the goddess of love and women this would basically be referring to her as the most attractive, and most beautiful out of all women. Surely Sophie wouldn’t be opposed to becoming the embodiment of beauty and having such standards derive from her. This would most likely solve her self-esteem issues and would have given her less of a reason to leave Joseph. Since Erzulie stands for both sexuality and being a virgin Mary, Sophie would be able to have the best of both worlds- especially considering her wife status. The only conflicting factor would be her child Brigitte. This piece wouldn’t fit into the attaining Erzulie concept but won't necessarily stops Sophie from wanting to achieve it anyway. The only way this would be possible is if perhaps Brigitte was adopted because a “pure” woman can’t be impregnated or else she would no longer be …show more content…

Since her mother was never perfect for her, she can attempt to be perfect for her own daughter Brigitte. Furthermore, this vicious cycle of a poor quality of mothering can finally be put to a stop and end with Martine. At Martine’s burial, Sophie makes the comparison of a Jezebel being similar Erzulie in that both are shameless, fearless women and how they can oppress men. This all of a sudden contradictory statement to the positives she’s used the goddess for is surprising. Although, in Sophie’s eyes, this oppression of men was a positive characteristic instead of a negative one. This made the power of Ezrulie seem even more inviting to Sophie which led her to the desire for her mother to stand for the goddess even in death. The characteristics of Ezrulie played a crucial role in Sophie’s life. From the time she was first introduced to the statue as a child, all the way to her mother’s burial- Erzulie was a key influential piece of Sophie’s being. This goddess shaped her character in slight but rather unique ways and unsurprisingly became an idol to her in the

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