
What Is An Inclusive Setting Or Environment?

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Inclusive environments are critical in an early childhood preschool setting and are becoming more recognized as the “new normal.” Although, classrooms across the country are adapting, and modifying their classrooms. A question arises what is exactly is an inclusive setting or environment? Is it just having kids who have special needs join your classroom? Is it just ensuring that every child is present in the classroom/ Or is it more? At Michigan State’s Child Development Laboratory Preschool, the staff has mastered not only accommodating for children who have special needs in their early childhood classrooms but have made an effort to ensure that all children are involved and are provided the opportunity to reach their full potential.

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For example, in Ms. Colon’s afternoon p.m. class, there is a head teacher Erica Colon, and two lead assistants who are current students studying how to become a teacher in an early childhood setting, and usually support staff such as 320, or 321 students, and or a special education specialist that visits each classroom. Although this policy of having a 1:6 ratio is mandated by the schools NAEYC performance standards to maintain accreditation. This policy ultimately works out in the best interest of all children especially children who have special needs because there is more staff to tend to the children’s need. Also, without the fear of one child or a handful of children getting too much attention, and or other children acting challenging because of the lack of

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