
What Is Confidentiality?

Decent Essays

Session 5: Battle mind
• Confidentiality and group rules recap. Check-in and review of last group session
• Finding equilibrium: From War-Zone to Home Zone Handout (See Appendix E Pg. 20)
• Homework: Relax
• Check out time: Last ten minutes will give the members the opportunity to bring up any concerns or thoughts
Goal: Recognize the difference between accountability vs. controlling. This weekly goal meets the overall goals of gaining structure and obtaining ideal self. It examines how each member takes individual responsibility and accountability in their lives.
Session 6: Person in culture
• Confidentiality and group rules recap. Check-in and review of last group session
• How are you influenced by other opinions of yourself? What does …show more content…

It is vital to talk about each session to decrease the anxiety and prepare the members. Termination will be brought up during each session and address what happens if a member would leave prematurely and what to expect when the group is finished. Evaluations of this group will consist of two tests. The first is the anonymous SG survey, which will be given during the last session. If a member opts out of group before termination, the survey will be sent to their email and home address. The survey is composed of questions that show the individual's feelings, if they have benefited from the support group. (See Appendix A) It is anonymous in the hopes that the members will provide honest feedback. The facilitator is in charge of looking over the completed surveys and make changes to their current curriculum. The second evaluation is Keane's Mississippi Scale for Combat-Related PTSD. It is comprised of 17 questions that focus on their PTSD symptoms and thoughts from the military. (See Appendix A1). The Scale will be administered at the first and second to last session for a pre and posttest. According to Weathers, the progress suggests that a five to ten point change shows reliable change and ten to twenty change shows significant change (Weathers, 2013). The facilitator will analyze and review the data, so they can measure how the member's symptoms have changed. If there are less than five points that have changed, the facilitator will reevaluate the group and ask for suggestions from colleagues to see what can be changed. The group facilitator will evaluate him or herself after every group. It is important that self-reflection right after the session, so they can document what went well and what they change. The last way the group will be evaluated is during the last ten minutes of each session. The facilitator will ask if anyone has any suggestions for changes to please be honest and open about it. If

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