Session 5: Battle mind
• Confidentiality and group rules recap. Check-in and review of last group session
• Finding equilibrium: From War-Zone to Home Zone Handout (See Appendix E Pg. 20)
• Homework: Relax
• Check out time: Last ten minutes will give the members the opportunity to bring up any concerns or thoughts
Goal: Recognize the difference between accountability vs. controlling. This weekly goal meets the overall goals of gaining structure and obtaining ideal self. It examines how each member takes individual responsibility and accountability in their lives.
Session 6: Person in culture
• Confidentiality and group rules recap. Check-in and review of last group session
• How are you influenced by other opinions of yourself? What does
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It is vital to talk about each session to decrease the anxiety and prepare the members. Termination will be brought up during each session and address what happens if a member would leave prematurely and what to expect when the group is finished. Evaluations of this group will consist of two tests. The first is the anonymous SG survey, which will be given during the last session. If a member opts out of group before termination, the survey will be sent to their email and home address. The survey is composed of questions that show the individual's feelings, if they have benefited from the support group. (See Appendix A) It is anonymous in the hopes that the members will provide honest feedback. The facilitator is in charge of looking over the completed surveys and make changes to their current curriculum. The second evaluation is Keane's Mississippi Scale for Combat-Related PTSD. It is comprised of 17 questions that focus on their PTSD symptoms and thoughts from the military. (See Appendix A1). The Scale will be administered at the first and second to last session for a pre and posttest. According to Weathers, the progress suggests that a five to ten point change shows reliable change and ten to twenty change shows significant change (Weathers, 2013). The facilitator will analyze and review the data, so they can measure how the member's symptoms have changed. If there are less than five points that have changed, the facilitator will reevaluate the group and ask for suggestions from colleagues to see what can be changed. The group facilitator will evaluate him or herself after every group. It is important that self-reflection right after the session, so they can document what went well and what they change. The last way the group will be evaluated is during the last ten minutes of each session. The facilitator will ask if anyone has any suggestions for changes to please be honest and open about it. If
Upon learning more about Rod and his deployment to Afghanistan, as well as learning about the symptoms that he presents with it was determined by the therapist to give the client the PTSD checklist military version (PCL-M). The PCL-M is a self-reportable measure that is compatible with the symptoms of PTSD outlined in the DSM-V (PTSD Check List-Military Version, 2012). There are 17 items in the PCL-M that have to do with distress from a trauma over the last month (PTSD Check List-Military Version, 2012). The PCL-M uses a five point Likert scale that ranges from 1 being not at all to 5 being extremely (PTSD Check List-Military Version, 2012). Another measure that can used includes the Structured Interview for PTSD (SI-PTSD) (Verstrael, Van
Some of our service users have profound learning disabilities and their level of comprehension and understanding is very limited, however they communicate constantly.
Care homes as part of primary care team in health and social care setting like other organisations will need to record residents’ well being, progress of health condition etc. on a daily basis, and without exemption they need to be in accordance with legislation and policy to ensure the quality, accuracy and safety of the records.
Though this discussion is not as much about the medical community as it is the morality and confidentiality, I currently work per diem as a RN at a facility that audits user information and access routinely. Upon hire, I was told that in the year 2014 alone, 9 employees were fired for unauthorized access of medical records. Recently, my community has had many high profile cases, where both the victims and the accused have received medical care. Care received by these individuals have been accessed by individuals that have no use for it- not providing direct care. This is a real problem in the healthcare field, and those without the "need to know", but have access to information are inappropriately viewing this information. Curiosity , ignorance
Participants will be collected different PTSD clinics to avoid biases. Patients will be collected in groups each at a time.
The first goal data points will utilize quantitative collection with the use of self-surveys and questionnaires. The PTSD Self-Rating Scale, will be used to provide a measurement of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms (Fan et al., 2011). This self-report survey was given before treatment, to provide a rating on the severity of the PTSD
Several sessions will focus to the termination of the group. The initial goals of the termination phase are to provide members an opportunity to reflect on their group experience and the achievements they have accomplished during the semester. Group tasks will comprise providing support, unfinished business about prior sessions, and feedback of the group and individuals’ self-growth. In concluding the final session, the facilitator and members will discuss any feedback of themselves and other group members. Members will be given a post-test identical
Program evaluation as “the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and outcomes of programs to make judgments about the program, improve program effectiveness, and/or inform decisions about future program development” (Patton, 1997). This project will focus on the best treatment plan for soldiers with PTSD. The goal is to find effective treatment so that soldiers can successfully reintegrate back into society. Researcher intends to evaluate current programs that treat PTSD. Identifying the programs goals, objectives, collecting information about the program will assist in the program evaluation. Also, program evaluation can include different types of evaluation that identify needs assessments, accreditation, cost/benefit analysis, effectiveness, goal-based, and outcomes of the programs. This information will help identify best program available and also serve to help improve current programs of PTSD treatment.
There are 3 subscales within the items. Intrusion contains 5 items, Avoidance/Numbing contains 7 items and Hyperarousal contains 5 items. These are then scored on 3 things, the Total Frequency, Total Severity and the DTS total (Davidson, 1996). The DTS is scored using a 0-5 rating and the examinee is told to use the past week as a reference time. The typical time from for taking the DTS is normally no greater than 10 minutes (Davidson, 1996). It is made clear that the intent of this for is to assess the severity of PTSD symptoms in those already diagnosed, not to be a means of assessing for the presence of PTSD itself. Thus, the scores that are obtained are intended for use in helping treatment plans (Carlson, 1999).
Group interventions for trauma-related psychoeducation and social support may also provide a benefit (Defense Centers of Excellence, 2015). The first line of treatment for PTSD should include an evidence-based psychotherapy (i.e., talk therapy) and/or psychopharmacology (the study of drug-induced changes in mood, thinking, and behavior). The psychotherapies with the most evidence typically include one or more of several productive therapeutic approaches including exposure to traumatic memories, stimuli or situations; cognitive restructuring of trauma-related beliefs; and stress reduction techniques. “The table below summarizes effective PTSD psychotherapy approaches detailed in Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense (VA/DoD) clinical practice guidelines. These treatments should be considered the first line of treatment for patients with PTSD” (Defense Centers of Excellence, 2015)
In this essay I am going to discuss confidentiality. The common law of confidentiality says that people have a right to expect that information given to a healthcare professional is only used for the reason it was given but also that it will not be disclosed without permission (The nursing times, no date). The important concept is of trust, without which no relationship can develop or be sustained between a patient and a nursing practitioner.
Essentially, there is inadequate research comparing the individual and group formats for individuals with PTSD (Barlow, 2014; O’Malley, 2015). Certain interventions are adjustable to either individual or group therapy. The decision to use group therapy depends on the clinician and their judgment of the individual’s needs. Fortunately, recent research shows that group therapy may be beneficial for those who are CSA survivors. Group therapy allows CSA survivors to not feel isolated during treatment. They are able to communicate with others who have also experienced such trauma instead of being around others who do not understand their pain and distress. Overall, group treatment can provide social support for these victims. Also, this treatment
Whenever I hear the word privacy, I think of a circle that one or a few people that is allowed in the circle. Which privacy does mean the condition or state of not being observed. To me, Privacy is a desireable thing due to the fact that there are people around that don't want others to enjoy life so they find as much toxic and corrupt information about that person to try and make things more complicated than it has to be. When you think about privacy online, it takes more to have a personal life because it becomes public information. The only privacy I have been able to find is between friends or by myself, which that’s in the shower and no one disturbs people in the shower unless it's an emergency, other than the bathroom I have no privacy.
In preparation of this assignment I was able to reflect on not only what I’ve learned in the past several weeks but also how and if im applied the knowledge i'm retaining. The first practice that I found effective is self-actualization. Self-actualization is the willingness to persistently try to improve oneself and engage in the pursuit of personally relevant and meaningful objectives that lead to a rich and enjoyable life. This has been a practice for me that I’ve consistently used for every area of planning. In this semester I’ve been able to use this strategically in my english course. When it comes to my english class I have an essay a week, with ministry, work and three other courses I have to set goals in which I accomplish portions
British political theorist Jeremy Bentham once idealized a theory pertaining to an effective and democratic form of government, declaring that, “it is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong.” The privacy of an individual is at its most a fundamental right to which one is entitled. Furthermore, the infringement of an individual’s privacy is rarely justified to any extent, even under circumstances with the purpose of protecting a nation because it deprives individuals of their fundamental rights. However, the government believes that they have the authority to trump the privacy of citizens in order to uphold state security for all. It is evident that alternate means to accentuate national