
What Is Driving For Implementation Of The Evv System?

Decent Essays

Hi, Not a big turn out in attendees. About 20-25 people which half were family and/or Members who they allowed to speak their input after the presentation. (which I have attached the powerpoint they will be using). Family and Members were not happy about any of it! I was impressed with all the points they brought up which are a majority of what our concerns are plus some! I put some of the families/members input in the sections below. Below is some information heard that applies to different parts of the PowerPoint document: > AHCCCS is driving for implementation of EVV statewide by Jan 2019 but knows, in reality, it will be more like mid-2019. (pg 4 & 5 in PP) > AHCCCS is leaning more towards a "closed" EVV system which means …show more content…

There will be the capability to override some data due to emergencies situations like a power outage, no service, lost device, medical emergencies, etc. Clocking in and out of EACH service Devices are linked to the members they serve and have a limit on how many providers are linked to a member. (lots of people felt this would impose on the time needed to sign in and out of each service and service delivered to the member at the time. Also, a parent mentioned how they work around the current amount of hours limitations by being able to have some provide 13 hours of respite and transferring the hours to another day so the provider gets paid for what they worked. Creating limitations on how they get the support that is outside the limitations of the hours currently can be billed. Tons of various input for this section) > AHCCCS proposed "timesheet" (pg 16 in PP) This would eliminate the paper timesheets with wet signatures. (someone stated that an electronic signature will eliminate a person's right to prosecute fraud based on the Federal Fraud Law) > AHCCS proposing " Service verification" (pg 17 in PP) proposing GPS verification off of EVV device start of shift and end of shift by the responsible representative (families were not happy about the freedom of how their providers deliver services starting or ending their shift will representative is NOT present. This would require the representative to be PRESENT.) > AHCCCS

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