
What Is Employee Turnover Or Career Leakage At The Bottom Level Of Workers?

Satisfactory Essays

Table of Contents

Overview of the organization
In this paper, the discussion will be about Wal-Mart Corporation operates as one of the biggest retail stores in the United States. Wal-mart has thousands of stores in the United States and expanded internationally in 27 countries. Wal-mart has been creating opportunities and bringing value to customers and communities around the globe. The problem that we will discuss in this paper is the employee turnover or career leakage at the bottom level of workers.
This problem has effects on the individual level; for example, insecurity feeling, low job satisfaction because of the rising workload, and loss of enthusiasm and creativity. The effects on the group level will be increasing the corporation cost due to the continuing of the hiring process and training new employees, and it might obtain low productivity of employees during the period of leakage.
Schools of Management Thought
Studying the traditional and modern management theories in detail is necessary to help us to understand the current situation of the management. The management thought has built on a mix of traditional and modern theories, alongside studying the founder people and the environment in which they lived since it might affect the ideas and theories. The management thought has two different phases: pre-industrial and post-industrial revolution.
The purpose of the paper is to study some of schools of management thought in order to define

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