
What Is Finding One's Own Identity?

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Dennis in Evelyn Waugh's The Loved One and the targets of "The Hollow Men" claim that finding meaning in the outside world is impossible, through juxtaposing imagery and a desensitized view of death to teach one to disregard the corrupting influence of others when looking for identity. Waugh and Eliot use opposition in imagery to prove that finding one’s own identity in a world of facade’s is impossible. In The Loved One, Dennis Barlow is an expatriate from england, a poet, and a personification of the irony in authenticity. When a close acquaintance of Barlow’s, Sir Francis, died, so did the british traits that Dennis identified with. Thus, Barlow allowed himself to succumb to the exploiting control of a new object of obsession: Aimee Thanatogenos.

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