The movie GATTACA was directed by Andrew Niccol, with the main characters being Jerome Morrow and Vincent Freeman. In the film, Vincent Freeman always dreamed about traveling to outer space, but couldn't because of his genetic disorder. He decides to purchase Jerome Morrows DNA from him. He then joins the GATTACA space program pretending to be Jerome to try to achieve his dream. Genetic engineering is making changes to an animal or plant to produce exactly what is wanted. Genetic engineering is a helpful thing that can correct and help many people. The benefits of scientifically modifying genetics would include a better and more efficient way to help unborn and young children from illness, increasing the average length of a human life, and …show more content…
With no disease or illnesses, humans can expand the length of life. Humans are beginning to live longer and longer because of modern day medical science. With genetic engineering, it could make our lives on earth even longer. “If we want to find the genes that help us remain physically active as we age, the genes that will allow us to play tennis when we’re 70 similar to when we were 40, we have to look beyond longevity as the sole criteria,” notes Tissenbaum, a professor of molecular biology. If scientist take genes that give us more physical activity when were young then when people become older their live a more physical lifestyle. Many individuals have a disease that holds them back in life from living a long life, but with the ability to genetically change that people would be able to live a longer healthier life.
Genetic engineering is a very beneficial thing for every human. Some advantages involve individuals health and affect society in general. The lifespan of a human is increased, the extinction of illness in children and babies and healthier foods with a cheaper production cost are all rewarding devices of genetic
Dan W. Brock makes a few interesting points in defending genetic engineering, while being observant of the possible downfalls and negative views of the science. Brock starts of his commentary by addressing how the limits to our genes can not "confidently predict the rate at which that understanding [of genetic engineering] will be achieved in the future nor the ultimate limits on it" (pg. 615). Also, the author states how genetic engineering could help parents ensure their children the abilities to live healthy lives, create new treatments for disease, and produce stronger immune systems.
The altering of human genes could save lives. You could cure cystic fibrosis or alzheimer's. This would save the lives of many (Doc. 3). This technology could also give you children with specific traits of your choice. Also, this engineering can leave people painfree. This is not good because they can’t detect danger. As a plus side, scientists will eventually take the gene that causes this and help cure those with chronic long lasting pains (Doc. 2). This would make more people happy and healthy across the nation! Eventually we could go so far as to make a genetically engineered nation. As you can see, Genetic Engineering also could have a positive effect on
A theme in The film Gattaca is genetic discrimination. In the aseptic society Vincent lives in , life is genetically restrained even before the individual is born so that each person gets the “best possible start”. The sterile environment captures a strictly controlled ambience favouring genetic perfection above anything else. It is a society that overpowers human desire and human relationships. This becomes apparent through the mechanical robotic characters that live in Gattaca. Traits such as personality, beliefs, values and morals are useless. Identity in gattaca is seen in solely defined by one 's individual status as a valid or invalid. Other than this nothing else is relevant.The starting scenes in the film sets an atmosphere of controlled physical excellence. Vincent is shown shaving and exfoliating his skin.Vincent gathers a stray hair d from his keyboard and the space director acknowledges his admirable cleaning habits, To which Vincent believes is “next to godliness”. There are extreme close-ups of human matter used in Gattaca to show how the environment in which Vincent lives emphasises the importance of DNA. Those who are considered perfect among the society are often set back by a lack of aspiration; this idea of perfection comes from one 's individual values influenced by a corrupt society.Vincent is considered a god child due to having no genetic advantage from birth, Vincent is an alien concept to the genetically modified world. A test such as a
In the movie, Gattaca, there are countless of advantages and disadvantages to having a society like that portrayed in the movie. As for the advantages, the people in the movie was genetically superior therefore they had no sign of bad genes. They are absent for addiction of drugs, alcoholism, and diseases. They have better health, longer life span, and was built with a “better” body. Genetically engineered people also have a higher IQ and other intelligence factors that are included. Having a society like this will result in your family/child receiving a better life, and a better chance of having a successful life in the future. Parents would not have to worry about any sudden deaths or diseases affecting their child because everything in their life was predicted when they were going through the preimplantation genetic diagnosis process. Since their genes was manipulated, they are being born with “good genes” therefore as mentioned above, they have a higher chance of having a triumphant job and leading a successful life.
Had you seen the Gattaca movie?Well, it’s about a person called Vincent who is the last “natural” born baby.In the generation that he lives is now discriminating against people’s genes.Also, where genetic engineering of humans is common.Since Vince is a “natural” born baby there is no chance for a career in a society and is due to die at age 30.So he faces extreme genetic discrimination and prejudice. So he takes a new identity to make his dreams come true which is to travel to space.To make this short at the end he ends up going to space despite being “invalid”
This was eventually proven wrong when the movie suggested that it is possible for an individual to overcome his or her genetic flaws. Galton believed that regulating procreation would produce an overall better human race. GATTACA focus on the concerns of reproductive technologies, which promotes Galton’s eugenics. Overall, I felt that GATTACA tries to warn us of the many issues that will arise if our society believes that genes are the only essential part of human beings, like Francis Galton
Gattaca brought about some interesting points on human evolution and human ingenuity. We live in a world where babies are left to chance and genetic metaling is frowned upon, but in Gattaca that idea is flipped. Society judges those who are left to God as inferior. How can one be judged for the decision of their parents? Science is moving into uncharted territory, where we might be able to create “super humans” as depicted in the movie. Gattaca revealed both the pros and cons of genetic engineering in science.
The impact of human genetic engineering on the workplace is negative. With genetic engineering, humans have the ability to give their children the best traits. They can create children who have the traits to be able at any job they want. However, for the children who were born naturally and were not genetically engineered, they can face discrimination for their genes because they supposedly are not good enough for the job. In the movie Gattaca, the invalids, people who are not genetically engineered, are shown to have jobs that the valids, people who are genetically engineered, do not want. The main character Vincent, an invalid, was only able to obtain a job as a janitor even though he could succeed in other jobs higher up on the hierarchy.
Genetic engineering can be a good thing and a bad thing. In the movie "Gattaca", Vincent, average person, was naturally conceived. This was in a time were babies were genetically modified. Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of organisms using a type of science called Biotechnology. He wasn't considered healthy because he wasn't genetically engineered.
GATTACA Genetically engineering children to create the ideal society may seem strange, but that is exactly what happens in the movie GATTACA. The people of this society are able to eradicate all genetic diseases or mutations from their offspring. They are able to choose gender and ensure that their children will be as smart, strong, and capable as possible. In the movie Vincent has a natural birth. When he is born doctors say he has an eighty-nine percent chance of having ADD, a ninety-nine percent chance of heart disease, and a lifespan of thirty years.
Even perfection is not always perfect. This is quite applicable to the situation of genetic engineering. By demonstrating through adroit filmmaking how social and economic structures shift under the influence of new prejudices based solely on genetic makeup, the movie Gattaca, directed by Andrew Niccol and released in 1997, proves that genetic engineering, despite any initial positive scientific advancements, has many deeper, underlying negative consequences.
It seems that genetic engineering will bring many possible for the future. It brings with it possibilities of longevity, and possibly near-immortality. Scientists even made possible to duplicate human DNA in order to produce a genetic replicate to treat any incurable disease. It looks that genetic engineering could do almost anything. However, is the genetic engineering completely beneficial to our society?
The movie GATTACA is about a person who wants to go to space, but cannot because of society’s hierarchy based on the genetic makeup of a person. In this hierarchy people are born with modified genes, which are chosen by the parents. This leads to a few different advantages and disadvantages in the society portrayed in GATTACA. These advantages and disadvantages will create different outcomes and scenarios-- or will it? One highly important disadvantage in GATTACA is that people have weeded out differences in people, and eventually made them so alike that no one had the creativity that led to the genetic manipulation discovery in the first place. The lack of this aspect will impede cultural diversity and diminish further scientific discoveries thanks to the lack of variation in people of this alternative world.
Genetic engineering has been the subject of controversy since it first started. There is a lot of fear and concern surrounding the possibilities it presents. It is difficult to make ethical decisions about genetic engineering because if offers opportunities to solve many genetic problems such as hereditary diseases. The consequences are positive and negative, but there is no way to determine which will have a greater impact. Genetic engineering could lead to new treatments for hereditary diseases, but it could also have long-term adverse effects. Although there are benefits to genetic engineering, the negative side cannot be overlooked.
Genetic Engineering has developed by very rapidly over the past twenty years. It is also one of the most controversial topics to go through the United States. From the research gene therapy to the cloning of different animals, genetic engineering can save lives while at the same time, endanger them as well. There are many pros and cons which are being heavily debated by political, scientific, and many other organizations. Most are centered on the idea of using Stem cells as a way of curing diseases.