Healthy or Fail
Obesity in America is a huge epidemic. Over 35 percent of Americans are obese. Even though it is a problem, and we should teach people about the importance of exercise and a healthy diet, I don’t think that it is a good idea to require people to be healthy for a job or for school. It would be discriminatory to use someone’s weight against them for a job or school. There are many other reasons it wouldn't be fair.
First of all, some people can’t help it that they are overweight or obese. They might have a medical condition like a thyroid problem, or might be disabled from an injury. If they are overweight because of this or any other health ailments, it shouldn't be held against them. People like young children can’t control what their parents feed them either. If a child’s parents only ever give them soda and fast food and chips and cookies, it is no wonder that they gain weight. It isn't always a person’s fault that they’re overweight.
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Healthy food, like organic vegetables or foods that are high in vitamins an protein are a lot more expensive than fast food. Some people can’t afford to buy healthy foods or they just don’t have time to cook. People who are working two jobs just to pay rent don’t have the time to cook healthy food or the money to buy it. Pre-packaged food is a lot easier and quicker to make, which leads to people with busy lives or not much money eating unhealthy food and becoming overweight. Finding time for exercise can be hard too. A gym membership is expensive and if you are working two jobs, when do you find time to go to the
Obesity does not discriminate against social status, sex, or race; it can take a person’s life and turn it upside down in the blink of an eye if they are not careful. Some people think of obesity as a worldwide killer because there is no outrunning it if it overtakes a person’s body. Every 1 in 3 adults are obese right here in America, that should give each and every individual some type of hint that there is a major problem occurring. The obesity epidemic is not something that has just caught the attention of people recently; it has been going on since the 1950’s! This epidemic is a major problem; over 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being obese or extremely overweight and over 40 million children were said to be obese in
Society today has distorted what a healthy physique actually looks like. It tells you, if you don’t have muscles bulging from under your skin then you are out of shape. And that if you are overweight you are just ugly. Another false concept is that if you are overweight you’re lazy or not self disciplined (Bordo 2). There are so many factors that have to be accounted for when evaluating someone’s weight. To assume that someone is lazy or weak because they are overweight, is ignorant. Many people are deceived into thinking that obesity is terrible like a sin. In her article Susan Bordo gives an example of a study taken where children chose obesity to be more uncomfortable or embarrassing than dismembered hands or facial deformities when shown
You don’t have a lot of money on you and you’re hungry so you grab a bite to eat at a nearby fast food restaurant. Without realizing what you are putting into your body you continue eating these inexpensive meals every night on your way home from work. Weeks turn into months and the next thing you know your cloths don’t fit the way they used you beginning to notice yourself gaining weight. Obesity among young Americans is a problem and can have serious effects if nothing is done about it.
In this chapter, Lupton examines how overweight people experience life in society and how negative views of being overweight affect said people. She concludes that overweight people face a plethora of challenges in everyday life for a multitude of reasons (Lupton, 2013, p. 67-68). Overweight people experience discrimination on multiple levels, which can lead to negative health outcomes. This leads to the question, are fat people sick because they are fat, or because social factors surrounding and influencing their fatness
The United States of America is nation that is known for its romance with guns and food. Not the most glamorous idea to be known for but in a way the comical characteristics fit the ever growing nation. Yet this obsession with the greasy, cheesy, and always supersized holds a much grimmer reality. Obesity in America is through the roof with 36 percent of American adults being classified as obese. This alongside the rapid growth of childhood obesity has created a love for shows about weight loss and health like those of “The Biggest Loser”. These inspirational shows help to show that “it” can be done, the seemingly impossibility of losing the hundreds of pounds that need to go. Though the shows are inspirational and entertaining, they are dangerous for all of the people who have lost all this weight disillusioned that they can keep it of, furthermore the
As years go by American weight struggle has been getting worse. People with diabetes today has more than double since 1994. While there are ways to help bring down obesity, most companies have not taken action. There are many factors to why obesity has only been increasing all these years.
Obesity is one of America’s problems that we struggle with every day. Even other countries see America for obesity and how much junk food and pop we consume. Our first lady is even trying to help fix this problem. Schools are gaining healthy lunches and changing up a few things in how make what school’s eat. That’s a great step, but you can always avoid school lunches. I know that people can’t force people to eat healthy. But I realize that how we are is really not anyone’s fault, except ours. Obesity is how much self control people have and how we handle our food options.
America’s Obesity rate has dramatically increased throughout the years. The United States of America obesity rate is ranked in the top 10 countries in the whole universe. This is outrageous, and there must be something done in order to decrease it. Many Americans don’t even know what obesity means and how it targets millions in the nation. Obesity is when an individual is overweight, this can be classified with your BMI. Many reasons that obesity can attack you is through great amounts of calories we intake daily, and our lack of exercise,
One of the most commonly discussed issues of America in the last few decades has been obesity. It remains one of the biggest problems in American society and requires a careful, systematic but also immediate solution. Obesity is a term used to describe body weight that is much greater than what is considered healthy. Today, 65% of adults in the U.S. are overweight and half of those are obese. The rates for children are smaller but they are not satisfying either: 15% are overweight and another 15% are headed that way (Lemonick). Besides the aesthetic problems for many people that this condition creates, it is most importantly known as the main cause of serious health problems as well.
Obesity has increased a lot over the years and health problems have not gotten any better. “... [T]he average person has increased 24 pounds since 1960” (Stewart ). The government has a reason to be concerned and worries about our obesity rates raising. Society likes to include themselves in every problem America has, and since obesity is a growing problem in America it is understandable why society wants others to be healthy. Even though it is understandable why the government wants to be involved, society and the government is too involved in the growing issue of obesity. The government cannot have a say in how someone wants to live their life. “A New Jersey woman, who now tips the scale at 604 pounds, said it’s be a “fantasy” to gobble her way to fame and someday weight 1,000 pounds” (Li). The government cannot control how people want to live their lives whether it be healthy or
Well, as you know from resent news updates and news papers America is one of the “fattest” countries in the world. Most people would love to blame that problem on the restaurants. It’s not the restaurants fault that the people of America are over weight. People have a mind of their own, they know exactly what they want, when they want it, and how they want it.
Eating healthy and exercising often, the two things seen as key against fighting obesity. While these are very important, they are not the only tools in the fight against obesity. Before we can rely solely on eating healthy and daily exercise, we need to reform how the issue of obesity is being attacked. Childhood obesity has become an exponentially growing epidemic that has no evidence of stopping anytime soon. The government needs to step in and help with the fight because of food deserts, faulty advertising, and nutrition guidelines, which are all factors out of the public's control. Once we figure out these issues, the real fight can begin.
David Zinckenko argues in his article “don’t blame the eater”, that it is a matter of personal responsibility but can sympathize with the obese individuals as there is a lack of alternatives and information regarding fast food consumption. Society in the United States has raised concern about healthy diets, providing alternatives sources of food but unfortunately at a cost. The increased cost for a healthy diet dissuades teenagers from eating healthier food thus without a change of environment it can result in a lifetime of obesity.
has to consider. For starters, most people think that the definition of obesity is that when a person has excess body weight, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines it as,”Obesity is defined as having excess body fat… Overweight… excess body weight...” (Paragraph 2, Source 1). This goes to show that many people may think that when someone is fat or larger than others, that they can call them obese. When you actually look at the stats though, it will show that they are just overweight and not obese and that needs to be spread because if it is not, larger kids can be bullied because of their size. Pressing forward, to tell if someone is obese or just overweight, people use the BMI (Body Mass Index) to see and the statistics say that,”... at or above the 85th percentile and less than the 95th percentile… overweight… at or above the 95th percentile have obesity…”(Paragraph 3, Source 1). This proves that even though obesity may seem better than being overweight, it really isn’t because causes people to have a larger body. This could put too much pressure on joints, limit what that person can do, and not allow them to eat what they like because it will most likely just make their condition worse. In addition, a cause of obesity is when someone eats too much junk food
Obesity is a very serious subject that a lot of people take lightly, especially us as Americans. America is the most obese country in the world. Statistics show that 300,000 people die a day in the United States of America due to obesity. This clearly shows that we have a serious problem that is massively underestimated. Obesity is also something that countries all across the world suffer from. For example, Australia is also one of the most obese countries in the world, and 50,000 people die a year from obesity in Australia. That’s 140 people who die per day in Australia. To solve the problem of obesity the prices of junk food should be raised and the prices of healthy food should be lowered and more convenient.