
What Is Psychosocial Profiling?

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When Samantha arrived on the unit, the first impression was that the client was a rich, privileged spoiled child in a 40-year-old body. The client was admitted post an overdose and driving into oncoming traffic. She was involuntary committed by law enforcement when cut wrists were also noted. The client was arrogant and very mean towards staff and peers. In the early part of the assessment, the client continued to be blunted, angry, and uncooperative. When the client was asked about allowed collateral calls about discharge planning, the client burst into tears. Totally changed the client begged for the mother not to be contacted. The client stated there was not a good relationship and in fact the mother was mentally ill also. The …show more content…

Counselor’s often see clients at their worst, while the client is trying to hang onto the last bit of dignity that is possessed. Often counselors base their perception based on learned discrimination (). Most counselors denied being biased as do students. Unfortunately, there is not a person that doesn’t have a bias. Counselors are human and no different from the general joe in looking at a way a person is dressed or where their address is that a person is a certain way (Ahmed, 2011). Clients can be lumped into a certain group based on race, sexuality, demographics and illness. It is an unfair assumption that all Bipolar patients or alcoholics are alike or more that matter are always Bipolar and an alcoholic. The counselor is allowing only the partial view of the patient to form an opinion(Wilshie,2005). This happens when we allow our perception to diagnose and treat the person without knowing the whole story. All of it built on assumptions, which always an improper route to travel. The consequences of such actions by the counselor that client does not return or becomes worse to the bias. It can actually harm the client.
The Code of Ethics of most organizations is to do no harm. The counselor should go into the meeting with an open mind and thoughts(ACA,2014). The counselor must consider cultural background in developing a rapport with a client. It is the counselor’s job to make the client feel at ease. If the counselor is not at ease, neither will the client be at ease. Biases can be formed based on

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