
What Is Taiga?

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Taiga also known as boreal forest, is the world's largest biome, covering 8% of land area on the planet, apart from the oceans. It spreads across Siberia, northern Asia, and northern Europe, and occupies millions of hectares of North America. In Eurasia, it covers most of Finland, Sweden, some of Scottish Highlands, some coastal areas of Iceland, much of Norway, much of Russia, and areas of northern Mongolia, northern Japan, and northern Kazakhstan.
The boreal forest is characterized by coniferous forests consisting generally of larches, spruces and pines; conversely, the main tree species, the length of the growing season and summer temperatures vary. For instance, the boreal forest of North America is characterized by the abundance of spruces, Russian taiga has spruces, pines and larches depending on the region, while the Eastern Siberian taiga is a vast larch forest; Scandinavian and Finnish taiga consists of a mix of birch, spruce, and pines and birch. …show more content…

They stretch from the Porcupine River near the Canadian border and west down the Kuskokwim River valley. These forests suffer from physiological stress, driven by the extreme climatic conditions, average annual temperature is 0°C; it is characterized by a very cold weather, long winters, permafrost and drought summer.
Short and slow growing periods are the reason why these trees have narrow growth rings, making the wood highly valued for strength and delicate

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