
What Is The Corporate And Social Evaluation Of Tesco

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Tesco’s Social Review in Performance of Corporate and Social Responsibilities to its Customers
One of the way Tesco has shown social review in carrying out its corporate and social Responsibilities to its customers is by putting its customers first in everything and tag them as utmost beneficiaries (Tesco, 2016). Tesco made sure that all their activities and transactions with the customers are kept transparent, thus establishing trusting relationships with its customers. Also, Tesco maintains of Human Rights for its customers by ensuring that they put the interest of their customers first in decision making (Tesco, 2016). Tesco respects customers’ rights by devising means of assessing the impacts of potential human right breaches on its customers and finding solutions to quell the effects. Tesco established customer’s initiative by encouraging enterprises worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation (Tesco, 2016). This initiative was built on a commitment on the areas of human rights, labor rights, environment and anti-corruption. This action gave Tesco the opportunity of becoming signatories of the UNGC which shows their level of commitment to these areas and has helped boost their businesses trust with its customers (Tesco, 2016). Protecting the rights of its customers has helped Tesco sustain its social review in performing its corporate and social responsibilities to its customers.

Tesco’s Corporate

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