
What Is The Difference Between Barack Obama And White American

Satisfactory Essays

After Obama: To Be Young Inspired and Black in America
Having Barack Hussein Obama as our first black president was a dream come true. With the history of hatred in American for black people, it was a fundamental and delightful moment in history. There are a couple of things that I loved about our former president. First, he stayed strong and persevered through everything. Secondly, he went through both of his presidencies without any kind of scandal. Third, President Obama was not just a president for some Americans but for all Americans. Such as in his 2004 Democratic Convention speech, “There is no black America, white America, Latino America or Asian America. There is just the United States America.” Lastly, President Obama kept things real. In the midst of his presidency, he spoke about the shootings in American schools and killings of black people. When he spoke, he was firm and stated that Americans need to step up and look out for one another and treat each other the way they would want to be treated. On the day of President Trumps Inauguration. My heart broke because not only would this be the last time we would see President Obama as the leader of our country, but I was not feeling hopeful for the future with our new President. I feel very blessed to have been one of many to see our first black president that not only handled everything with class and dignity but was …show more content…

All in all, I feel well knowing that the Former President Obama is not going to just quietly retire, but he and his wife, former first Lady Michelle Obama

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