
What Is The Difference Between Civil Liberties And Civil Rights

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Namita Tamang Professor Sherry Sharifian GOVT 2305-71013 OCT 1, 2017 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Civil rights refer to the rights which are granted by government for the solo purpose of saving peoples from discrimination based on color, sex, age, religion etc. Civil rights are also known as basic rights that are provided to all the citizens of the country. Similarly, these rights are given to make sure that everyone is treated equally in the field of education, employment etc. No one can take the civil rights from them. In the other hand, Civil liberties refers to the right granted as per constitutions giving freedom to speak, think, worship etc. These include right to speak, right to assembly, right to worship, right to express, etc. A person can speak freely, can express as well as worship their religion etc. without any kind of interference. 1 Both civil rights and civil liberties are given to the citizens by a government and well defined in the constitution. …show more content…

1 I think the civil rights had more influence on my life. Civil rights play an important role in my life. It has been protecting me from discrimination on the basis of gender. I am a girl and I am not discriminated on the basis of my gender. I have equal opportunities to get education, employment etc. I am in this position today because of the civil rights which has been protecting me from any kind of discrimination. I am getting a good education like other people do. No one can discriminate me because I am a girl. The civil right is related with how a person is treated by other. Thus, I gave priority to the civil rights which has more influence in my

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