The amount of the diversity at Our Lady of Mercy prepares you for 'Real World' experiences and allows you to grow in your understanding of people, cultures, and beliefs. The academics are demanding and there are many opportunities to take challenging courses. The Fine Arts program is wonderful, albeit underfunded for the amount of work they do and succeed in. One downside of Our Lady of Mercy is that students are molded to fit one standard, rather than given the platform to grow uniquely. There are some teachers that do encourage a growth mindset, but others just teach a standard way of action and move on. However, this type of schooling is present in most educational institutions. Luckily, the students are generally motivated and hardworking
My greatest desire is to not only receive an outstanding technical education but also grow as a conscientious and socially responsible individual. In the next four years, I envision myself in an environment that fosters a genuine sense of family among motivated peers. I want to belong to a school where I can development in my character as well as my Catholic faith, even in the midst of rigorous academic work. I look
Christendom College offers many compelling reasons that have increased my desire to attend this great school. Some of the things that I love about my high school are found at Christendom, such as its challenging, Classical curriculum. I simply loved the classes I was able to attend at the Summer Program and found that I felt at home in those lectures, which were deeply rooted in our Catholic faith. The lectures helped us examine their relevance in our own lives and encouraged us to always seek the truth. I observed that this inspired the whole class to consider the situations and messages in the themes we discuss in class, such as the value of friendship or how history shapes our identity.
First, let us address the obvious. How can an organization like Merion Mercy Academy operate in 2017 without a diversity committee or a diversity plan? Considering the fact that Merion Mercy’s minority student population is over 10%, a diversity plan should have been created a long time. Having served as a member of the Diversity Committee at Waldron Mercy Academy for over 3 years,
A child is encouraged to see his or her talents as loving gifts from God and to see academic work as a way to cultivate those talents in preparation to love in return. St. Mary of the Angels School also fosters the child’s solidarity with teachers and fellow students, who accompany the child in his or her academic journey, each one helping the other in personal growth and lasting friendship. Our Whole-Family / Whole-Person Philosophy St. Mary of the Angels School has a common mission that includes a commitment to truth and a concern for the whole person of parents, teachers, and of our young people. Parents are the primary educators of their children—they are critical to their children's education—so we strongly emphasize the relationship of the school to the home.
Each Sunday, I leave church with inspired to try to make a difference in someone’s life that day. Currently, by devoting my time to community services through National Honor Society and National Art Honor Society—to which I am a Co-President of—I am able to spread warmth to others. However, in the future, I imagine myself doing so as a secondary art education teacher. A goal of mine is to make art exciting, the reason why students attend school. I plan to enter work each day inspiring others to smile. I want to provide unlimited comfort, guidance, and motivation to students. My catholic faith has taught me to continue helping others even if they appear as if they do not want it, and Link Crew, a selective student ambassador program, has shown me how to go about accomplishing this. I am not afraid to step outside of my comfort zone and step up to be a leader. Therefore, I have confidence in accomplishing all I endeavor as an educator. Nonetheless, I still possess the desire to inspire through personal construction.
Education is important as we develop a society of lifelong learners, but budget cuts for schools should not be at the expense of art programs. All students have unique learning styles and ways they best absorb information. To compromise that process is destructive to the success of their overall learning experience. “The Sanctuary of School” makes the reader aware of the many individuals who go through the public-school system. Barry’s essay advocates the need for funding of art programs and the supportive, creative outlets they
In the Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, Ralph, the protagonist of the story, facing difficult challenges as he struggles to survive and prove himself on a remote island, with no grown ups around. The boys are brought together when Ralph blows a conch shell, and he is then elected as leader of the group of stranded boys because of it. Almost immediately he is met with oppostion from the leader of the choir boys, Jack. Golding uses these two leaders to contrast two different styles of leadership, and to cement the idea that Jack, the antagonist, and his style of leadership are more efficent than Ralph and his style. Ralph is still a boy in the story, he has traits that would make him a good leader, but the way that he handles them truly
My Christian liberal arts education is a major factor in establishing my current vocation. As a junior at Wheaton College, my current vocation is to be a student. I feel called to give my best effort at everything I do, and every assignment I work on. In reading C.S. Lewis’s essay on “Learning During War Time”, I was encouraged by his explanation of how the pursuit of knowledge, and my vocation of being a student, are worthwhile and valuable, no matter the circumstances surrounding us (Lewis, p.43-45). Going to a Christian liberal arts school definitely influences my current vocation. By learning about many subjects by taking a well-rounded course schedule of classes, I can learn to appreciate a variety of subjects and understand more about
I believe the school endeavours to provide as much variety of opportunity as possible to allow each child to find something they are good at. The mission and aims show that the school recognises the diverse nature of its children and families, and their individual faiths, cultures and abilities and encourages its
The character Atticus has a very deep and important meaning behind him, that without analyzing the naked eye and heart cannot truly comprehend. Throughout the story To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee we follow the adventures of the adolescent siblings Jem and Scout. There are many things that happen to them all through the book. From dealing with the towns monster Boo Radley, to dealing with racism and discrimination, These kids have seem to have seen it all. One problem that they have to face is that their father, Atticus, is a proud man but his pride and kindness will be put to the test when he is appointed to defend a negro. Jem and Scout will Learn to understand that not everything is as innocent as it seems.Their father Atticus has a reason to defend the negro, Tom Robinson.
Over the past three years of my college experience, I’ve had the opportunity to serve students as a Resident Assistant, Assistant Resident Director and, currently, as a Student Ministries Director. Through serving in these different capacities, I’ve learned that I love the college experience. The opportunities to discover one’s identity, be challenged in new ways and encounter issues that will drive one to work toward justice, are all found on the college campus. It is because of these opportunities that I have chosen to pursue a career in Higher Education; and consequently, have chosen to apply to the Graduate Program offered at University of Virginia. I find the diversity of Higher Education extremely attractive.
As an aspiring teacher, I believe that my primary duty is to assist my students to advance in all aspects of their own personal growth, spiritual as well as intellectual and academic. The Catholic School is an ideal place to achieve this goal. The sense of comfort and security that comes from being surrounded by others who overall share the same values and religion is nurturing for the students and allows the teacher to give of
Towards the end of the 20th century, most of the studies focusing on substance abuse focused on the needs of men. This means that the percentage of women affected by substance abuse remained unknown for several decades. In the recent past, studies have been done to analyze the psychological, health, and economic challenges affecting women who abuse different substances (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2015). This marginalized group has been selected in order to understand the major health problems and experiences affecting them. By so doing, the information obtained from the study can be used to design evidence-based care models to support the target population.
Have you ever been to the doctor and don't quite understand what the provider is telling you, or are you a healthcare worker and you don't understand your patients? Should the healthcare provider get diversity training or should they maybe learn new languages? More than ever before, healthcare professionals are subjected to dealing with a number of immense and different cultural diversities. While diversity is often a term used to refer specifically to cultural differences, diversity applies to all the qualities that make people different. Diversity requires more than knowing about individual differences and it key for overcoming cross-cultural barriers in healthcare.
My want to pursue fine arts as my area of study stemmed from my want to obtain my Bachelors in Fine Arts and help procure a future career in the art museum industry. I want to go beyond what I know to develop an array of skills that will make me an asset in the art world, developing practical and theoretical skills to learn art and design history. Being passionate, innovative, and creative in every aspect of my life I believe acted as my backbone that supported me in venturing into new things. The passionate, innovative, and creative attend The New School which is why I believe my presence as a student would be a perfect fit. Students attend higher education to become enlightened about the majors that will essentially help them become successful in their life. I believe that The New School would be an essential component educating me about fine art as well as expanding my knowledge on topics such as painting, drawing,and