
What Is The Effectiveness Of Academic Performance?

Decent Essays

Because colleges and universities primarily use the scores from a student’s SAT, and/or ACT, along with their high school grade point average (GPA) when selecting students for admittance, it is only pertinent to take a look at the validity of these test scores as predictors of a student’s knowledge base and ability to succeed at their institution.
Even though high school GPA and students’ ACT/SAT scores are highly correlated, (ACT, 2007; Allen, Robbins, Casillas, & Oh, 2008; Bridgeman, Pollack, & Burton, 2008; Kobrin, Patterson, Shaw, Mattern, & Barbuti, 2008), more research needs to be looked at to determine how accurate and precise they are at predicting a students’ future academic performance, and if there are other variables which …show more content…

“The majority of ACT-tested graduates chose a major that was at least a moderate fit with their interests, but only 36 percent selected one that was a good fit, and 32 percent chose a major that fit poorly with their interests, the report said” (Adams 2013).
There has also been a lot of studies and speculation as to the possibility that the ACT’s questions may be bias toward certain ethnic groups and those of low socioeconomic status. In 2013 the American College Testing Program (ACT) showed that out of all the African American students to take the ACT only 5% tested as being “college ready” and had an average score of 16.9 (JBHE). Though studies go back and forth, “testing critics have claimed that standardized tests such as the ACT and SAT are nothing more than measures of SES” (Colvin, 1997; Kohn, 2001). It is also important to note that African American ACT scores have been relatively unchanged from year to year, for the last twenty years, and about 25% lower than the scores of white students (Toldson, and McGee 2014). What is most curious about this is that African American ACT scores have remained constant over the last twenty year though there have been substantial increases in the number of African Americans graduating high school and earning a college degree (Toldson,

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