
Holiday Spending Hangover Essay

Decent Essays

The holiday season was designed to bring joy and excitement to the masses after a busy year of trial and tribulations. While for many people it does just that, there is still many others who end up creating debt problems related to the holidays. These debt problems not only put a damper on the season to be jolly, but they also make the subsequent months and years more difficult to handle financially.

The Holiday Spirit
For better or worse, the holiday spirit drives people to what could be considered excessive generosity. People love to give gifts and host parties during the holidays as a means of bringing family and friends together to perhaps make up for lost time during the year. The stores are all dressed up in its holidays best, the holiday music is playing, and a festive atmosphere seems to permeate everything going on in the country. It's really hard to blame anyone …show more content…

However, it doesn't stop most people from trying. The most common way people deal with any monetary restriction is to pull out the plastic and let the credit card companies temporarily foot the bill. In the short term, it feels good to be generous and show caring to others. It feels good all the way up to the point the credit card bills start coming in the door. It's then that the "holiday spending hangover" sets in and people start to see and feel the error of their ways.

Dealing With the Holiday Hangover
When you drink too much alcohol, you wake up the next day with a hangover. There isn't much you can do about it except drink some water, take a couple of pain killers and work you way through it. A holiday spending hangover is much the same thing. You feel bad, but there isn't much left to do except start figuring out how to pay the associated bills. Depending on how far overboard you go, there will be some amount of financial pain for you to endure.

Avoiding the Holiday Spending

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