
What Is The Similarities Between The Greek And Roman Buildings

Decent Essays

Each building, especially, the historical ones has a function, for which it was built, and a style carried with messages to convey for the people. The Greek and the Roman buildings are the best examples of the buildings, which tells a lot about their cultures. So, this essay will discuss two buildings from the ancient eras, their differences, and similarities. The first one is the Parthenon in Athens while the other is the Pantheon in ancient Rome. Also, it will explain how the style and use of these buildings served as a typical example of their culture. The Pantheon is a Roman temple, and it was built in 125 CE in the reign of Hadrian. Although it is one of the best preserved Roman monuments in the world, the Pantheon, we see in these days, is the third one. …show more content…

So, the Romans, using it in such an important temple, wanted to talk about their strength, architectural skills, and ability to innovate.
Moving to the other building swiftly, the Parthenon in Athens is a Greek temple. It was built in 432 B.C. in the Age of Pericles. Hence, it was built when the Athenian Empire was at the top of its power. The word
Parthenon was derived from Athena epithets: Athena Parthenos, which means Virgin. (Cartwright, 2012).
Personally, I believe that the name is a genius choice as the temple was constructed for the sake of the goddess
Moreover, since the Parthenon mixed different Greek orders, namely the Doric and Ionic, it is the best example to show how the Greeks could produce such a stunning temple. The materials they used were not limited to marble and bronze. They used gold and ivory in lavish amounts for the sculpture of their goddess, as well. There is too much important symbolism in these two buildings. However, from the aforementioned information, I can say that the similarities between these two buildings are many. They could be the purpose of their constructing as they both were temples and the messages of the strength, authority, ability, and wealth

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