He wasn't suppose to feel this way. He wasn't suppose to feel loneliness, pain and emptiness. Or this fear. Batman wasn't afraid of anything or so they said. But he did fear something, a person. He didn't fear her but he did fear what she had become. As he stared at the cased uniform in front of him. He realized she was gone. His daughter, all his hope had left him when that moment she yelled, "You're not my father Wayne! You never will be ever again!" When he caught her and turned her in to Amanda Waller, he thought he was doing what was best for her but it was only worse. Xena Wayne had been the purest thing in all of Gotham. She was the brightest ray of sunshine, that was until her pure soul was twisted and corrupted by The
Villains do not become malicious from thin air, there is always a reason behind their actions. In the book Day 21 by Kass Morgan, the reader is given more detail on the character Murphy. This character follows no rules and at first has his followers but that quickly changes. Murphy hunts down and in a way forces a 13-year-old girl to commit suicide, and is then banished from the camp. He eventually comes back and tries to kill several people.
Batman is a depiction of hope. Batman was the answer to a lot of people’s problems in a place where nobody felt safe like they should in their home. He was like the rain after a long, dry spell for
In the beginning of the movie Bruce fears bats from a bad first encounter with them. This is caused by him running away for Rachel after he takes an arrowhead from her, so he then goes and hides on a boarded up well which collapses causing Bruce to fall down it scaring some bats causing them to attack him. When the bats attacked him, he develops a phobia of bats, that is until he becomes the Batman. Later in the movie Bruce’s fear disappears. This is a result of his training with Ra's Al Ghul and the league of shadows because they make become one with his fear by using them in his training. This technique helps him overcome his fear and become what he feared, Batman. He now inflicts that fear on those who create crime. Screenwriter, David Freeman says, “This type of symbol usually falls into the category of what I call ‘Character Deepening Techniques’, for it helps give a character a feeling of emotional depth”. Hence, bats are a great symbol to create a deeper meaning that is used in Batman
“Is there a problem, Miss?” One of the officers asked again. Wanting so badly to say that everything was all right, and send them away. Carol, for a few seconds, stares at William searching his eyes for an apology, but all she could see was hatred and the frightened looks on her children’s faces. And they could not be described in words.
Luke slowly pulled his chin out of his hand. “I dreamed last night that the girl was found, Dad.”
“ Son I just want you to know that if the trail doesn’t go the way we want it to go and if we don’t get justice for what Officer Paul did, just know that you have people who love and care about you.” Dad said calmly.
In addition to this, another downfall is the loss of childhood sweetheart, Rachel Dawes by Two-Face. She was the only one outside Bruce Wayne’s inner circle that knew who he truly was, and how he felt about his way and life. As a result of her death, not only does he want revenge on Two-Face, but he tries to compensate for the void that was created by her loss. He does this by starting many failed relationships that turned sour such as those with Poison Ivy and Catwoman, to name a few. These are illustrative of the pessimistic demeanor that Batman has towards the outside because of what he has seen firsthand, and how he reacted to it.
In one of the Batman movies, Bruce Wayne goes to see a psychologist to get help for this need to be Batman. He describes how he wants to get better and be himself but there's something stopping him. Him being Batman does interfere with his everyday life. Also, it is the "host" that is seeking for help and not his other identity (Durand/Barlow 163). It looks as if because of his "night job," it is more difficult to find love. He must be wary at all times to make sure that the woman does not have a motive.
“Boys, I think we can save your mother,” the man started. “Father… err, what’s your name again?”
He is fearless in protecting his home, Gaetland, as well as the people of Danes and King Hrothgar. He easily gains the people’s trust and proves that he is reliable. Like Beowulf, Batman is also a loyal
There have been many times when Batman could have given up and went back to his million dollar mansion, but instead, he stayed out and kept fighting the good fight. Even when it looks like all is lost or there is no hope he keeps fighting to find an away. In the movie Batman vs Superman: The Dawn of justice he stayed to fight the big monster even though his problem was with Superman. Most of the people ran away because they were
Imagine watching the ones you love, murdered right before your eyes. At a young age, Batman had to watch his parents get shot and killed by a ruthless mugger. Batman had this tragic childhood which is something many young people today can relate to. Professor of Psychology at Henderson State University, Dr. Travis Langly,
The first reason is that he has an evil girlfriend named Harley Quinn, and she is as evil as he is. She helps him defeat Batman when they battle. He cheated on her one time and she almost killed him. So he did not have to worry about Batman for a while.
If he gets shot by a gun, he’s dead and if he gets stabbed by a knife in a vital area, he’s dead. Batman is too easy to kill and he is a very emotionally unstable guy, which causes him to think very deeply and ponder if he’s a good or bad person.
Batman is one of the many fictional superheroes which appears in the “American comic books” that is published by the DC comics. The character is a secret identity for Bruce Wayne, the only heir to Wayne Enterprises. Bruce Wayne swore an oath of vengeance when he witnessed the death of his parents;Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne (Diamond, 2015). Bat man combats criminals in Gotham: a fictional city, with assistance from various characters, for example, his butler Alfred and Gordon; Gotham city police commissioner. Unlike many of the superheroes characters, Batman possesses no powers .Bruce Wayne trained himself intellectually and physically .it is from dedication to training he possessed the useful traits of physical prowess, martial arts skills, detective skills and indomitable will to fight for justice. Though his motive is to combat crime and protect people of Gotham city from criminals, the justice system in most of the times views Batman as a villain and vigilante. He can inflict fear to Gotham city criminals thereby bringing calmness to the city. I identify myself with the Batman character through his selfless will for justice, his strong determination to do good