
"What Makes A Good Friend" Alex Lickerman Explains The

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"What Makes a Good Friend" Alex Lickerman explains the qualities that he considers ideal in a true friend. He references kenzoku, a Japanese term for having a sacred bond with someone that is not blood related. In order to have this sacred bond there are certain traits that must be present. Two individuals must be drawn together commonly by similar interests. Nevertheless, if they have a history together due to shared experiences they will often tie two entities together. Common values are another trait that contributes to a strong bond considering if there is controversy in morals, friendships often fail. Equality is another trait that will effect friendships, seeing as both individuals need to make equal obligations for one …show more content…

He took care of me and even traveled to CVS to obtain my medication. As well as continuously checking my condition every day. No matter what time I contact him, I constantly know that he will be there for me. As of today he still lives in California, but I know that if I ever needed him he would definitely fly out to New Jersey to support me. The second trait I insist my best friend posses would without a question be the desire for self-improvement. I constantly want a higher quality of life, both educationally and financially and could not imagine my best friend not desire the same concept. My closest friend Robert is a perfect model to explain this trait. For instance, I recently wanted to evolve my backyard into a mechanic shop and he instantly agreed and proceeded to assist. We both sat down and collaborated a business plan and begun turning this dream into a reality. This plan started about six months ago and as of today we are still proceeding with our original plan and are continuing even with major setbacks. The third and final trait I undoubtedly demand from my best friend would be respected. Respect to me is how you act in regard to yourself and others. Additionally, my best friend Jeffery presents the greatest representation of how respect should be executed. At the beginning of our friendship, we were afforded the opportunity to meet each others families. While he was there, He was polite,

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