
What Makes A Good Mediator?

Good Essays

Leadership Profile
Laying out all that was learned in class is a very daunting task, but I believe valuable when tying it all together. The textbook coupled with the 7 Habits book was a good mixture. It was helpful to learn the 7 essential habits particularly in regards to paradigms and personality ethics. Then combine that knowledge with studying leadership traits, attributes, styles and concepts. The material was very powerful and helped uncover insightful knowledge of oneself and individual leadership styles.
Identification of traits, theories, attributes and style
The attributes and traits that seem to be most applicable to me include persistence and diligence to see overall goals and projects to fruition. I am trustworthy and …show more content…

When group decisions are reached it also builds cohesiveness among many groups of people creating a climate of trust and opens the door for synergy to occur.

Personal Mission Statement
When creating my personal mission statement I focused on personal because I believe improving and centering the core of my personality ethic will carry over to all areas of life.
To not shy away from challenges, but embrace the journey, experiences and adventures that God puts before me; To love and let myself be loved; To truly appreciate all the blessings that are set before me every day; To instill in my children a strong trust in God and the confidence to explore new paths set before them; To be a friend that others can rely on in all situations; To cherish myself enough to prioritize the pursuit of healthy endeavors; To slow down and enjoy life for what it is at the present time and not always look to the future; To let the little things go; And lastly, to accept missions that deepen these priorities.

Tools and strategies
As far as leadership preference, the approach that fits best with my style would be primarily a task-oriented leader. Task-oriented leadership is defined as leadership that is focused predominantly on procedures, activities and goal accomplishments. This type of person is goal oriented and wants to achieve. Their work is where they find

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