
What Makes Ut Austin?

Decent Essays

Longhorn Roots
Burnt Orange was always a around my Family, My Family was always on a Longhorn craze. I grew up watching my Texas Longhorns win the National Championship in 2005 against USC Trojans, My brother went nuts when they won the National title. I could barely remember it but it is just one of those moments that you just won’t forget for the rest of your life. My Brother, and cousins are in UT as of now. When your roots are from your surrounding’s or Family, Those traditions, and values are your core, and will be passed down to my own kids. I have also visited The University of Texas Austin, Multiple times, and it is a perfect fit for me. I think the city is one of the biggest reason of, what makes UT Austin so special, and it …show more content…

81% of students from UT Austin Graduate within the first six years of school. The financial aid package is averaged out at $11,349 (“University of Texas at Austin, “at a glance”,”).
The calendar type is by semester, The Student to Faculty ratio is 18:1. 95 percent of freshman return to The University of Texas at Austin for their sophomore years. Majors are not required before college, they’re usually chosen near the end of sophomore year. For bachelors the breakdown for what major they picked is very diverse in UT Austin. Engineering is leading with 12%, followed by Biology at 11%, 11% Business, and Marketing, 11% on Communications, and Journalism, 11% in social sciences, 5% in Computer, and information sciences, 5% in Family, and consumer sciences, 5% in Health Professions, and 5% in interdisciplinary Studies. From the percentages shown you can tell how diverse The University of Texas at Austin, with the percentages not peaking not too much higher than any other majors (“Majors and, learning environment”).
The average age of a Student at The University of Texas at Austin is 20. Women pull a slight edge off the population total, with 53%, and Men with 47%. At Major Universities, Like UT Austin the population balance will probably stay very balanced by not overdoing one gender. Race, and Ethnicity wise The University of Texas, Austin is a very diverse University, with a little bit of every race. White’s lead the population with 42%, and then followed by Hispanic/Latino

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