Gravity plays a very major role in the formation, structure, and evolution of stars and their planetary systems. Planets are kept in their orbit around a star rather than falling into the star due to gravity and their velocity. In Earth’s case, the pull of the sun’s gravity and Earth’s velocity keeps it orbiting around the sun. The planets are traveling at a velocity that is perpendicular to the star they are orbiting. Therefore, if the star (sun) was not pulling them in using gravity, the planets would simply continue in a straight line. This is where Newton’s first law come into effect that states that an object will remain in uniform motion unless acted on by an external force. The star pulling the planets in is the external forces acting
For Body 2 T^2/r^3 was 1.99E-5, for Body 3 it was 1.97E-5 and for Body 3 is was 1.97E-5. For Body 4 this was 1.85E-5. The data helps support the fact that the T^2/r^3 should be the same for all planets because the numbers were all relatively similar, especially for Bodies 2 and 3 which were identical and thus proved Kepler’s Law of Harmony, which states that T^2/r^3 should be the same for all planets orbiting the same central body.
The Law of ellipses, which means that each planet travels around the sun in an ellipses.
| 17. Which of the following statements regarding the motion of objects on the celestial sphere is true? Answer
The reading on terrestrial planets from chapter 6 provides readers with a little insight on the similarities and differences between the planets. These planets include Earth, Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Although these planets have very different properties, they are connected due to their history. There are scientific laws that help people understand, compare, and contrast these planets, such as gravity, chemical composition, and temperature.
8. Gravity is the force that is keeping the asteroid in orbit around the sun. The force of gravity will pull the asteroid inward, but because the asteroid is constantly moving forward- it is sort of a constant state of perfectly balanced tug-of-war.
If the planets were indeed orbiting the earth, they would have to move in very complex patterns. Copernicus said a simple circular orbit would account for the planets' movements if they were orbiting the sun. This became known as the Copernican Theory. Copernicus was one of the first to come up with a new idea to support his observations instead of making his research fit his
This demonstrates that, even though the weight of the stars is noticed, it doesn't impact
First of all, Inner planets are different from Outer planets in many ways. The surface of Inner planets compared to Outer planets are rocky, Inner planets are denser, all the Inner planets are in the asteroid belt. “The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us -- there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.”-Carl Sagan.There is nothing more than what there is. The surface of the Inner planets is very different from those of the Outer planets because, Earth compared to Uranus is completely different due to Uranus being mostly made out of gas. The Inner planets are also much denser than Outer planets. For example, Venus ' average density is 5.24g/cm3 as opposed to Neptune which is 1.33g/cm3. Lastly,
Exoplanets are interesting to us for a number of reasons. By locating and observing them, we are able to gather a variety of useful data that tells us details about the planet, and then compare and contrast them to other exoplanets, as well as our own planet Earth. These comparisons are our attempt at better understanding the formation history of rocky planets such as the one we live on today, and furthermore understand the future of rocky planets based on their internal composition and proximity to their host stars.
these planets have different names mostly consisted of numbers and letters. No indications of life
As our proto-sun was forming and spinning gases such as hydrogen and helium were pushed to outer rings of the nebula. Dust grains near the sun started to collide and overtime the particles and the collisions grew larger. Furthermore, gravity pulled these some of pieces together at a faster rate and over time this process created small planets or planetesimals . As these planetesimals grew larger they combined and created the planets closest to the sun : Mercury, Venus, Mars and Earth.
The First Law of Planetary Motion, which is The Law of Ellipses, states that The path of the planets around the sun is elliptical in shape, with the center of the sun being located at one focus. It took five years of measuring the motion of Mars across the sky for
What are the characteristics of the inner planets? How do these vary from the outer planets?
direction at the same speed. Take away the Sun 's force of gravity, and the planets would