In Arab culture is heavily influenced by Islam, even with the non-Muslims, they have very interesting traditional weddings, foods, and spiritual beliefs. Even though the majority Arabs are Muslim, there is Christian Arabs Traditional plays a big role in Arab culture, such as women not getting pregnant before marriage, women and arranged marriages. They have a rule that when a woman gets married they don’t get married without putting henna on when celebrating the wedding. Also, the next morning the man must show a blood from the girl to prove that she was virgin. If the woman is virgin, then she gets a big respect from both families. Women get married at a young age, age 10 and above. Men are the household, provides and make decisions of the
When it came to Arab culture there were many restrictions and less freedom with appearance and fashion. Even though the Arab culture may have many restrictions when it came to fashion it has been modernized. The Arab culture prohibits a few dress codes that may be considered norm in American culture. As an individual who grew up in an Arab culture household you have to adapt to the culture and rituals. Just as Andy Hinds mentioned in his article, I’m considering Becoming a Sports Fan How Do I Pick a Team? “In both of these exchanges, I had that old familiar feeling of not having a clue about something that was supposed to be important to me as an American male.” It may also prohibit multiple actions that may be dealt and interpreted in other cultures in a different way. Arab culture is made up of hundreds of years old traditions. Many fashion styles are considered disintegrating in the
As centuries passed in the Middle East, certain cultural and intellectual traditions in the Middle East changed through the influences of other civilizations yet managed to stay the same in the aspect of Islam in the society. And as shown by the status of women in the Middle East, while certain beliefs and traditions may stay unchanged, the way cultures have influenced them can affect how the previously mentioned beliefs and traditions are taken into
According to Arab American Natural Museum. Arab American try to preserve their culture and pass it on from generation to generation. The family is the main point of social existence. Men and women are essentially different. Wisdom increases with age and most life is controlled by fate. Arab Americans also try to maintain contact with their extended family and members of their town of origin who may be detached throughout the world. Family and town reunions, community banquets, conventions and festivals all allow Arab Americans to preserve and celebrate the culture of their homelands and to keep ties with others back home.
Accordingly, Goforth, 2011; Hammad, 1999 stated Arab culture is described as collectivist because individuals have a close; long-term commitment to their family. The family honor is one of the most important values for the Arab American family, since the male is the dominant role in the family.
When the Turks migrated west during the tenth century they came across the Islamic Religion. Most of the Turkish people converted over to the new religion and forgot about the old Uyghur alphabet. They then soon found themselves using the Arabic Script as their new alphabet. Most Turkish artist soon were producing and mastering several types of art from these scripts.
Marriage in nearly all cultures is one of the most sacred celebrations and have many different practices. In the Afghani culture, a woman would be expected to be pure and never speak to another single man before marriage. It is also traditional
What is a five pointed star, it is using one solid line each point represents the elements Earth,Fire,Air,Water,and Spirit, as well as the directions East, South, West, North, and Within. A pentagram is very important in the pagan religion it is the most popular and powerful symbol used by may neo-pagans. The word pentagram comes from the Greek: "Pente” which denote five.
The money governments spent on prison triple since 1980. The cost of person was 77 dollars per person a year back in 1980. However, in our time, each pay about 260 dollars a year on correction. All these costs did show some result regarding violent and property crimes; it declined by 45 percent during the past two decades because of prison system. However, there is a law for mandatory sentencing and repeat-offender laws and because of these law the government have to spent more money on prison. For each individual inmate, there are costs and benefits to
Arab people stem from many different regions including 22 countries: Algeria, Bahrain, the Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen ("Arab American," 2014). The Arab culture include several ethnicities such as Shias, Sunni, Druze, Ismalites, and Nusayr (Matusiak, 2013). It is important to know Arabs are not a race, but a diverse culture ("Facts about Arabs," 2014). The Arab people are measured as being among the “most educated” population with a higher percentage of college educations than the American population (Matusiak, 2013). Family is important in the Arab culture. Many Arabs live within close proximity of family and have close relationships ("Arab American," 2014).
Many countries in the 21st Century became multicultural with the increase in global movement. The purpose of this study is to explore perceptions, experiences, and patterns of health care practices among Arab Americans and then to discover perceptions and experiences of health care providers associated to culturally competent care. I selected this cultural as we are caring lot of patients from this background especially in the pediatric oncology unit where I am working at MD Anderson. They are the main income source for my hospital as they pay out of pocket. The goal of the study is to find answers that would provide the basis for implementing system-wide changes to include culturally competent care. Awareness about cultures and their effect
In fact, marriage and having a family is an important notion in Middle East, and according to her 95% of people in the Middle East marry at least once. Because of the importance of this concept in the Middle East not only men love their wife, they also so their best to keep them happy. She argues that arranged-marriage is not a form of forced marriage, in fact it is based on the fact that couples would develop companionship and romantic love over time. In addition, she debates that polygamy, which is also another issue targeted by West, is not prevalent in the Middle East and only 5% of the population practice polygamy. These are all important features that show the traditions of the Middle East are changing. Although the couple, Hatam & Huda, are both
As history continues, many religions have had an over powering effect on western civilization. When the 5th century arose, the religion, Islam, had an extremely important impact on the civilization. Muhammad, an Arabic prophet founded Islam and began to introduce it the people of his time. Diplomacy, violence, warfare, public laws, and Arabic tradition played a crucial role in the building of the Islamic religion. These important aspects helped shape and build the Islam religion that is now one of the world’s most widely practiced religions.
Within Islam, the wedding ceremony is believed to be both a religious and social obligation to get married. As a result, there is a great weight placed on religious, social and cultural dimensions of the ceremony which tends to be simple in nature, paralleling Islamic beliefs. Hindus also place a lot of importance on marriage ceremonies which signify customs, rituals and elaborate celebrations. However, a key difference lies in the fact that Islamic marriages are seen as contractual agreements, whereas Hindu marriages are perceived to be sacrilegious.
Arab is not a race, but is a group of individuals that are united by their culture and history (ADC, 2014). There are many different variations commonly based on a particular individual’s country of origin such as Arab Americans. Other variations are based on their social class, the level of their education, if they live urbanely or rurally, or the time they have spent in the United States (Lipson & Dubble, 2007). Most Arabs also practice Islamic religion and are Muslim. When working with an Arab or Muslim client, nurses should ask what the client wishes to be referred to so as not to offend them in any way (Lipson & Dubble, 2007).
Muslim culture generally reflects the traditions and customs of Muslims that they adopt for a perfect and respectable life in the society according to the lessons of Quran. Muslim culture is a giant combination of diverse cultures, That’s because Muslims live in various countries all over the world. Most of the practices are common faiths and guidance for all Muslims no matter what country or even content they reside in.. These basic faiths and belives are based on the teachings of Islam. The Muslim culture is a subject of debate for many people who lives in different parts of the world and belong to diverse communities. Muslim culture represents the unification of brotherhood where all Muslims are bound to