
What Services And Merchandise Should Company X Improve And Which One Should They Change

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Learning Team A reviewed 15 articles to ensure their research supported the team’s research questions and hypothesis. Team A’s research question is, “What services and merchandise should Company X improve and which one should they change”. Team A focused their research on product quality, customer service and satisfaction, customer loyalty, costs and why consumers switch service providers. While deliberating and converging upon both dependent (customer’s response to service and merchandise) and independent (service and merchandise) variables Company X must place emphasis on “…consumers are active forecaster, taking future considerations into account in their decision-making efforts.” (Lemon, Tiffany, & Winer, 2002). Therefore, it is …show more content…

While trying to achieve equilibrium between excellent quality and customer’s service can become a prodigious task, Company X’s management must not let any obstacle deter the company from striding to attain both. Scott, Peng, & Prybutok (2015) states, “Quality is an essential framework for any organization, and by continuously improving the quality of products and services, companies can contribute to the value of the good or service and create loyalty and satisfaction.” The authors go on to state, “….cell phone product quality and cell phone provider quality have on overall cell phone quality, which in turn can be effective in quality management practices”. Company X had to research whether customer satisfaction will increase due to altering the data plan’s they offer. The article “An exploratory study of the determinants of switching and loyalty in prepaid cell phone users. An application of concept mapping” discusses some obstacles Company X might encounter with trying to reach resolutions to this issue. Data was gathered that showed why customers might discontinue their affiliation with a cellular company. This article discussed in depth some of the most important reasons consumers will lose interest in continuing service with their current cellular carrier. Pricing, quality of the service in the network, keeping up with technological advances and

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