
What Ways Did Pastoral Societies Differ From Their Agricultural Counterparts?

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1) In what ways did pastoral societies differ from their agricultural counterparts? Pastoral societies differed from their agricultural because pastoral societies supported less people, since they had generally less productive economies, and the lived in scattered areas. They also generally offered women higher status, fewer restrictions, and a greater role in public life because they were needed, since people did not tend to specialize in things. Pastoral societies were also far more mobile, whereas in agricultural societies, people would have large populations because of their environment and their ability to grow food. They also lived in one area, and had had people who specialized in different things which brought down the status of women. 2) In what ways did pastoral societies interact with their agricultural neighbor’s? Pastoral socities interacted with their agricultural neighbor’s economically, because nomads needed access to the food, and other luxury items that they could only get from their agricultural neighbor’s. They also interacted politically and militarily, because pastoral people come together sometimes, to trade, or raid aagrcicultural societies. Pastoral societies also interacted culturally with their agricultural neighbor’s. Members of some pastoral socities were known to have adopted religions of their agricultural neighbors, such as Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and even Manichaeism, which included different elements of Zoroastrianism,

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