
What Were The Effects Of Slavery In Slavery

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Since 1500 to 1880 CE, approximately 12 million African slaves were captured and forced to move to
America. A lot of Africans were forced into slavery and forced to experience years of mental, physical and sexual abuse. The following illustrates the capture, transportation and experiences of African slaves in the New World.
Many Africans were captured during the Industrial Revolution as the need for labour increased so they needed many ways to capture slaves. Some ways African people were captured were that they were either captured and enslaved when they lost the battle against the Europeans to stop slavery, or they were captured by other African people in return for resources such as a gun, and lead. Those that were sold and captured to the Europeans were transported in slave ships. The slaves suffered mental and physical abuse from the crews on the ship. They were forced to crouch or lie down below the deck because it was very cramped. They were also by leg iron. The Africans also suffered seasickness and nausea from the foul smell in the slave ships. After many years of suffering from the slave ships, they were sold to Europeans who could afford them and they were forced to either do work in the garden or do work around the house. The slaves were treated brutally and horrendously by their owners if they made any mistakes. The most common punishment that slaves received were whipping and sexual abuse. The slaves experienced a lot of mental and physical pain from being

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