
What You Need To Know About School Counseling. Brett Smith.

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What You Need to Know About School Counseling
Brett Smith
Limestone College

Introduction to Counseling
Ms. Deal
February 19, 2017
This paper explores the main characteristics of the school counseling career. To understand school counseling its history must be visited when it began in the 1800’s. This paper goes through the steps of licensure, education requirements, and typical therapy techniques adopted by today’s school counselors. To fully understand how to be the best at one’s career it is important to collaborate with other’s in one’s career field by joining professional associations. It is noted in this paper what those associations are and the benefits of each of those associations.

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As you can probably understand these teachers were overloaded with their regular duties and did not have time to receive extra training to focus on vocational/counseling related trainings. It wasn’t until the 1900’s that the teacher-counselor positions were replaced with full-time school counselors or what was known as “guidance counselors” (Schimmel, 2008). “An alliance among education, social work, and psychometrics in vocational guidance led to the organization of the National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA) in 1913” (Lambie & Williamson, 2004). By creating this association, it gave a voice to guidance counselors and created a network of support and strength to the career as a whole. “In the 1940’s, the “Father of Counseling,” Carl Rogers, published his book…Following the inception of Rogers’ work, the term guidance began to be replaced in the literature by counseling…” (Lambie & Williamson, 2004). Hence, the term guidance counselor is still used today, the new generation of school counselors do not prefer to be titled as so. According to Paisley and Borders (1995), federal legislation has been particularly significant in the creation and definition of counseling positions in public schools. “The National Defense Education Act in 1965 provided particular opportunities for training school counselors and implementing specialized programs” (Paisely & Borders, 1995). Around this same timeframe many associations were forming to support school

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