
What is Legionellosis?

Decent Essays

Proposed species: Legionella pneumophila
Word count: 753
Proposed action: eradication

What is Legionellosis?
Legionnaires' disease is known as a form of pneumonia caused by any type of aerobic bacteria that is part of the species Legionella. The most significant amount of Legionnaires' disease cases are triggered by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila according to the Mayo Clinic. You normally get it by inhaling in spray from water that has the bacteria in it. The spray may come from various sources such as hot tubs, showers, or air-conditioning units used for larger structures such as buildings. The bacteria luckily does not spread from person to person contact. But it is still a problem that must be dealt with because people who are elderly, smokers, and anybody with a weak immune system are extremely vulnerable to this bacteria.

Legionnaires' disease has a period of incubation of two to ten days, which is the amount of time from contact to the time symptoms are noticeable. The degree of seriousness can fluctuate from a minor cough and low fever to promptly advanced pneumonia, coma, and even death. However, not everybody that contracts Legionnaires' disease will experience the same symptoms.
Some of the earliest symptoms include mild fever, aching joints and muscles, lack of energy or tiredness, headache, and loss of appetite. Some of the symptoms that occur later can include a high fever usually above 102 degrees Fahrenheit, cough that has

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