
What 's Culture And Religion?

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Islam is a religion practiced by billions of people worldwide; with this, many cultures have embraced the faith; which is difficult at times to make the comparison and differentiate between what’s culture and religion. An example of this is marriage, as previous stated, Islam speaks against arranged marriages that are force. Arrange marriages is a common practice in many cultures which strives till’ this day. It’s a marriage that is much easier for families to commit to because many marry within the family or a family that is close in friendship. One of the topics that came up with my interviewee and i seems to be based around marriage. Which many see as a force act but in reality, no such thing exists in Islam where forced marriage is forbidden. Many assume Muslim marriages are arranged, when in reality, the act of arranged marriage is cultural rather than religious; something that has been partaken for centuries and before Islam. Marriage in Islam is between a man and women and cannot be established without the women agreement. Most people would say every Muslim marriage is arranged. The man must send a representative to ask for the girls hand in marriage. The wife is entitled to a marriage gift that is her own which is called a dowry. This may be prompt or deferred depending on the agreement between the parties. A marriage is not valid without Mahr (dowry). It does not have to be money or gold. It can be non-material like teaching her to read the

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