
What's a Hero to You in Julia Alverez's In the Time of the Butterflies

Decent Essays

What's a Hero to you?
When you hear of the Mirabal sisters, which sister comes to mind first? When thinking of a hero, Minerva comes to mind first. She was a hero to many. In In The Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, Minerva's actions symbol courage, love, and sacrifice. Minerva was a strong individual that knew how to stand for what she believed in. She was mature and responsible. Minerva stood up to Trujillo, had a mindset to go to law school, and was favorited by her parents.
Minerva was not afraid of Trujillo like everyone else. She had her own opinion of him and wasn't afraid to express that opinion in her own actions. Minerva thought to herself, "Under the tablecloth, a hand is exploring the inner folds of a woman's thigh. I …show more content…

Minerva was getting her law degree" (90)! María writes in her diary about this special day, the day Minerva finally got her law degree! Minerva was favorited by her parents, not only because of her dream for a law degree, but because of the responsible, young lady she's become.
Minerva's parents, Papá especially, favorited her. She was responsible and made mature decisions. Mamá said, "All my daughter wants is to be a good, loyal citizen of the regime" (75). Mamá takes up for Minerva. She knows her daughter was true to herself and others around her. Minerva said, "I spoke right up, "I don't think it's fair if you just make an exception for us" (14). Minerva was responsible and mature enough to speak up on everyone being treated fairly. "Papá laughed, his eyes flashing proudly at me. The others said I was his favorite" (12). The other sisters believed Minerva was Papá's favorite. She was responsible, mature, and outgoing. Why wouldn't she be favorited? Minerva stood her own ground even if it was against Trujillo. She became a hero to anyone that's heard the story of the Mirabal sisters.
Minerva was a strong individual that knew how to stand for what she believed in. Minerva didn't back down to Trujillo, had a mindset to go to law school, and was favorited by her parents. She was mature and responsible. Minerva is someone to look up to. Her outgoing personality and own thoughts made her a special individual. When you hear a story

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