
When Is Texting And Driving Be Banned Everywhere?

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“Texting and driving is a hundred percent no go. Texting and driving should be banned everywhere because you cannot be focused on looking ahead, in the mirrors, being aware of what's around you, and to type on a small keyboard on a small screen”(Allan McNish - A British race car driver). A man distracted on his phone is driving down the highway going over the speed limit and swerving into different lanes, the man looks at his phone one second too long and is hit and killed by an oncoming car in the other lane. This horrific death and others like this could have been avoided if the driver waited to answer his messages until he was at a stop or arrived back home. This texting epidemic is swarming across the world at a fast pace and is only growing …show more content…

Not only can texting be used to contact friends or family in many situations it has saved lives. Emergencies like injuries or urgent issues can be quickly reported for help by the use of texting even if it's while driving. Other things like important business text or responding to friends faster can help greatly in communication with one another. Without the use of cellular phones in these situations lives could be changed drastically and could have become lost. The risk of texting and driving is said to be lowered if the driver limits themselves to the amount of time they keep their eyes on their phones, which can make it a lot less of a hazard. As long as drivers are cautious on how they use their phones when they are in a vehicle, texting and driving can be a safe action as long as used appropriately. Precautions must be taken when limiting texting and driving like checking if cars are nearby before looking down at their devices or seeing the amount of time they are distracted on their phones and trying to shorten …show more content…

Almost everyone in the world has seen the tragic results of texting and driving down the road and yet still do it. No matter what the cause whether an emergency call to a friend/family member or just trying to communicate with friends faster, driving while on the phone is never acceptable. It not only slows down traffic but increases the dangers and issues on the roadways. Messaging someone about unimportant issues/subjects while driving down the road is never worth the risks, no matter what the topic. Conversations on people’s phones with their friends can wait until they are in a safe area, whether in a parking lot or outside of their car. Although many times in life texting while driving has saved many lives whether it's a husbands wifes baby being born, a local grocery store being held up by a group of robbers, or an important health issue, it can never match the issues and injuries from texting and driving. If an emergency call/text needs to be sent then the driver should pull over or slow down and make sure that no other cars are in their way or in any sort of danger since people should never risk the lives of others for their problems. Furthermore many people can control the use of texting and driving and pace themselves as they drive, setting time limits on how long they can look down at their phones. This is a great way to work on slowing down a texting and driving

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