
Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Reflection

Decent Essays

A Reflection from Joyce Carol Oates and Jason Derulo An eventful story by the name of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”, written by Joyce Carol Oats, was published in 1970. The story portrays a young fifteen year old girl, who may come across as egocentric and a bit careless. Her thoughtless mistake of always dressing too provocatively one day leads her into some trouble with older men. When the story ends, it makes me assume that she eventually gets violated and raped by these older men whom she lead on. The story definitely made me question myself on the actions I would take if I was in Connie’s situation. Oates’s voice definitely demonstrates how teenagers are so ignorant today because of looks, insecurities, and peer pressure. …show more content…

I remember just getting off my shift at work, when a guy was saying how cute I would look on his bike. It was like my sixth sense was tingling all over my body. This panicked look fell across my face and I tried ignoring the consistent sweetie and sweet hearts. I remember acting as if I was on the phone, and trying to find anyway to ignore him. As I started picking up my pace to my car, omeone watching from inside had stepped in. I still remember trembling and sneaking back to my car sweat trickling down my face and being paranoid the whole ride home. I can still visualize the thumping of my heart beat and the effort just to keep breathing. The story definitely resembled an unforgettable night for me and a reality check to be more cautious. If only Connie had dialed the police, instead of “wondering how bad she looked” (Oates 110). She was so caught up in flaunting herself and looking good, that she had lost all common sense. The song “Be Careful” by Jason Derulo made me feel as if I had perceived the wrong message to someone. The song spoke the lyrics: “you’re never knowing what she’ll do or say / will send them over the edge so / next time I’ll be careful” (“Be Careful”). The message I distinguished from the lyrics was that you are never knowing who you are dealing with and what their intentions may be. Definitely for me, I have had guys that I have sent the wrong signs and it has gotten me back in more ways than one, just like Connie had no idea what Arnold’s intentions were. The thing is that usually you never get a second

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