
Where Do I Start?

Decent Essays

“What are you saying?” The Counselor asked me. She looked at me over the top of her half-moon shaped glasses. She made me feel like she was judging me. She sat there in her perfect green cardigan with her perfect bun on top of her perfect head. Her perfection made my “Jeans and a T-shirt look” look like I was much underdressed for this visit. I just hoped she could help me through what I was dealing with. “I’m saying that I have all of these fears that I need to work through, or get help with.” I replied. “Well, explain them to me, so that I can possibly help you.” “Where do I start? I fear police cars. I fear that they’ll pull into my driveway. I worry they will be there just to tell me something I don’t want to hear. Something like a family member passing away.” I stated, then paused. “That’s an understandable fear. Do you have any more fears?” She asked, breaking the silence I had created. ‘There are many fears.” “Do you feel as though you could share them with me?” She questioned. I really don’t, but I need help, and she was all I could find. “Yes. I fear falling asleep at night because I worry that I won’t wake up the next morning. In the same respect, though, I fear not going to sleep at all. I fear that I’ll fall asleep at work and lose my job. I fear also that if I don’t sleep it will kill me.” I pause again. The counselor goes to ask me something, but I continue before she is able to. “I fear my past rising up. I fear that it will cause me to lose

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