
White Privilege Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack Analysis

Decent Essays

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack White Privilege is a thesis about positive racial discrimination. In exploring this thesis and in the effort of joining this decades old conversation, I think it worthwhile to fully engage Peggy McIntosh's thesis. White Privilege contains a comprehensive list of privileges that I will now check my privilege by. According to McIntosh's list of privilege, I meet 10 out of 14 or so applicable categories. These categories vary based upon nationality, gender and sexual identity. According to this I am very privileged but my background has led to a much different experience. I was raised by a single, non-white mother from a lower-class background. I don't remember being privileged throughout my life and definitely not for being partially white. In fact, I remember a lot more suspicion, scrutiny and isolation due to it. During my reading of White Privilege, one question came up repeatedly, "Where is her evidence?" The only evidence that I can sense is the fallacious argument of popular belief that she has spent the last 20 years manufacturing. Perhaps her lack of focus on evidence has more to do with how much she chooses to focus on the myth of meritocracy. She spends as much time discussing it as she does the invisible …show more content…

Her long list of 50 items in her invisible knapsack is an exercise in logical fallacy that she attempts to credit as evidence. She makes the argument that if they are true for her, they must be true for other white people and the inverse of them for non-whites. Many items she lists have little to do with her race but to do with her socioeconomic status of being a well-educated phd holder and successful author. Many items are also inconsequential to the point that she admits that she has repeatedly forgotten them without writing them

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