
Who Are Immigrants Represented In Land Of The Dead?

Decent Essays

When we hear the word "zombie," we usually picture the terrifying flesh-eating creatures that wander around seeking their next victim. However, cultural critic Jeff Jerome has a different perspective. He sees zombies as a "walking contradiction," a human form that once walked among us yet remained separate from the group. Many parallels can be drawn between zombies and real-life situations, such as the way immigrants are viewed in the U.S. and Europe today. One film that exemplifies this metaphor is Land of the Dead. However, the problem with drawing similarities between immigrants and zombies is that immigrants are often viewed negatively simply because they look and speak differently. People often draw a similarity between zombies and immigrants in that …show more content…

The zombies being kept out by a strong security system is a prominent example, but Land of the Dead offers an opportunity for the reader to interpret the film on a deeper level. One such interpretation is related to the representation of people who resemble immigrants in the movie. The city's social class is divided into two levels: the wealthy, who have excessive amounts of money, and the poor, who cannot afford the same lifestyle as the wealthy. It is possible to interpret that the wealthy class represents the natives of the U.S. and Europe, who already had an advantage in life, while the poor class represents those living in a crowded and impoverished environment with limited opportunities to make money. In the movie, one of the main characters named ‘Cholo’ talks to his friend about purchasing a spot in the green area, which is a more secure zone where wealthy people live to protect themselves from zombies. However, Riley remarks, “They won’t let you in there, they won’t let me in there, we are the wrong kind”(Simon

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