
Who Are Outsiders Or Misunderstood?

Satisfactory Essays

At some point in his or her life, everyone has experienced feeling isolated from a group of people. This feeling of isolation occurs everyday and throughout the entire world because every individual is unique, and cannot conform to what others may view as acceptable. Modern society has formed citizen’s minds to view these differences as negative, and often make people feel badly about their contrasting personalities. Even though the common man knows what it feels like, outsiders are misjudged, but not misunderstood.
Firstly, an outsider is defined as a person who does not belong to a particular group. The category that someone may or may not fit into can depend on many factors that make the individual unique. Often times, the people that do not fit into common cliques are considered outsiders, even though they most likely fall into numerous other crowds. Therefore, outsiders are misjudged as socially awkward and relatively quiet people.
Although outsiders may be misjudged, they are not misunderstood by the rest of society. Calvin Pryluck quoted, “Ultimately we are all outsiders, in the lives of others.” No matter how many groups we may fit into, there will always be more that we do not. The …show more content…

However, at some point in a person’s life, they have experienced the lonely and isolated feeling of being an outsider. Whether it be with a group of people of different ages, ethnicities, or social status’, no individual can fit into every category. An outsider is perceived as a negative title to wear, yet everyone puts it on; some strutting it more than others. Despite this, it is natural to judge or even bully those who do not fit into the same categories as we do. Dani Dipirro says that, “We judge others for four reasons. We are insecure. We are scared. We are lonely. We are seeking change.” It is difficult to keep from judging someone that appears different, but not difficult to relate to how they may

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